Learning About PowerPoint: Gerbil Adaptations Presentation

As a learning activity, we will be creating a short PowerPoint in class based on our class research of our pet gerbils!

With a partner who has previous PowerPoint experience, please create 10 short slides of the following items below.

Make sure the fonts you use are readable, large enough, and not frilly (use Arial for example, and not ones that look like handwriting.) Do not use crazy colours, and avoid red, black, and plain white. Add one picture to each slide, either from clip art or from the Internet. Do not use emojis or simply smiley faces. Use specific photos. Don’t put too much text on a slide, but have enough bullet points to explain what you need to say, in short sentences.

Work with your partner to understand how to do these things.

  1.  A Title Slide, with your names and the date
  2.  A slide about the basic FORM of the gerbil  (features)
  3.  A slide about other facts of the gerbil (habitat, food, important facts)
  4.  A slide about the structural adaptations of the gerbil (how does the form of the gerbil serve a certain FUNCTION, such as whiskers, ears, claws, tail)
  5.  A slide about the behavioural adaptations of the gerbil (how does their behaviour help them FUNCTION in their ecosystem, and to survive!)
  6.  A slide about why gerbils are important to our ecosystem/the world
  7.  A slide about why gerbils make great pets
  8.  A slide about other random facts about gerbils
  9.  A slide to ask if there are any questions
  10.  THE END slide, and thank you to the audience

One PowerPoint can be shared between the two of you. So, have one person create it, and then share it with the other person, giving editing privileges. It is a good idea to split up the slideshow into parts so each person has slides to work on. But, also help one another out! This is a collaboration and a sharing experience, not a tug of war between you!

This is a learning experience, so make sure you know how to use PowerPoint independently by the end of this, especially how to choose a theme, make new slides, edit slides, save pictures and insert them, and save/access the file in One Drive.

Also, show me you did the research we did in class by including facts from your journal notes. I won’t be looking at your notes this time, but for your own, independent project, I will.

Students who are absent, please make a PowerPoint of your own at home, so you can practice and show the research you  have done.

We won’t be presenting these aloud to the class, but you will share it with me. The next one we do, you will do it independently and share it in front of the class.

Thank you!

Ms. D