Special E-Port Mini Research Posting

Hello Everyone,

As we finish this unit on “Getting Our Needs Met,” we have learned about many of the ways humans create and use knowledge and interdependent systems to get their needs met. We have talked about financial literacy, economics, geology, chemistry, natural resources, resource management, being a responsible consumer, and how Indigenous Peoples are using their traditional knowledge to help protect our lands and the resources we rely upon.

This has covered a LOT of territory, and some of us are more interested in some topics than others! So, here is an opportunity to finish the unit with some mini research on a topic of interest.

Step One:  Choose a topic from our unit. Keep it small. Use the ORCAS Footprints Books (the ones in the classroom and in Ms. D’s EPIC Books List) as a guide. The topic needs to be connected to our unit statement about how humans use a variety of tools, systems, and scientific knowledge to get their needs and wants met.

Step Two:  Read ONE book. Yes, only one! I recommend using only one book because we are limiting our time for research. Focus on BOOKS rather than randomly going on the internet. You may use the Orcas Footprint Books in the classroom, library books I have provided in the bins, or the booklist on EPIC. One book is enough. If you have time, you can follow up your book with any related video on TED Ed, particularly the Earth School Videos we have already been watching.

Step Three:  Work with partner or alone? If you have a partner, you each still need to do your own writing, but each of you could read a separate book and compare notes, helping one another with the e-port questions (see below). If you are working alone, you only need to read one book. Again, let’s keep this project brief.

Step Four:  Take some notes while reading, so you remember what you want to write about.

Step Five:  Meet with your partner or start answering the questions on your own. Questions can be answered in the E-Portfolio. Please title the e-port something about your topic — you choose! Answers need to be longer than one paragraph, for sure, otherwise you are not showing what you know from the reading.

EPORT Questions:  (Please ask Ms. D if you are unclear on these – we went over ALL of this in class, but please ask if it doesn’t make sense!)

1. How does your topic show how humans create or use knowledge, tools, interdependent systems to get their needs and wants met?

2. What new things did you learn from your reading? What are your new questions now?

3. What ACTION could you personally take with this new knowledge.

DUE DATE:  Let’s try to have this e-port done no later than Friday, May 27th.