Rube Goldberg Machine!

Hello Everyone!

Using our knowledge of simple machines, we will be building a Rube Goldberg machine!

Before we begin, please do some investigation. On Rube Tube you can watch a variety of Rube Goldberg contraptions and get some ideas. You can also read about Rube Goldberg himself on this biographical website and on this Rube Goldberg resource.

Google “Rube Goldberg Cartoons” under images if you would like to see even more.

Consider the DESIGN PROCESS as you create your own contraption!

  1. Ask a question – What task will your machine complete?
  2. Imagine what you would do – Brainstorm ideas and watch Rube Tube.
  3. Plan and consider materials – Make a draft in your journal and a list of supplies
  4. Create something based on your plan – all day Friday or Monday
  5. Reflect, make adjustments to improve, and document changes — Journal!
  6. Present final product – Show it to Ms. D

Your contraption must use at least three simple machines. Documentation of all your building steps is a must!

I will be marking both your journal and your final presentation, so even if your product is amazing, you need written observations. Even if the machine doesn’t work, you need to show evidence of having considered simple machines and be able to explain your process to me.

We will build the machines on Wednesday, December 1st during a large chunk of the day.

Begin looking for ideas and materials from home. I have a lot of building supplies here, but if you need something specific, then please look at home. You shouldn’t need to buy anything new, so please focus on recyclables and toys you already have.

The contraption does not need to be big, either, so consider we will have 12 groups working in our space at the same time!

One way to make your machine more interesting is to consider how it might tell a story. When you watch the OK Go video on Rube Tube, it is based on a song. How does it tell a story or have a message? Or is it a funny task it will complete?

The only thing I don’t have in the classroom are pulleys, so if you are thinking of having a pulley device, you have to construct it. This can sometimes be very difficult, so I would avoid pulleys, as they often are tedious to set up so that they work well.

Have fun! I will provide a rubric for you for this activity in class that talks about your design process. While it would be great if your machine is successful, I am more interested in how you used the design process and simple machines to complete this task.

Ms. D