Skeleton Tree Novel Reading

We will be reading the novel Skeleton Tree which is an exciting tale of adventure, survival, and interacting with nature!

As we read, we will be thinking of deeper questions that help us with greater reading comprehension. To do this, we will use QAR – Question Answer Response. There are four types of questions you can ask:

  1.  Right There Questions: These are questions you can find right away in the text, such as, “What is the name of the main character?” These questions help us know the basics of what is going on in the story.
  2.  Think and Search Questions: These are questions you need to look in two separate places in the text to answer, so they are more complicated to think about. For example, “Why did Johnny decide it was a good idea to ask for help from his neighbour?” In one part of the text, we may see the part where Johnny made the decision, but in another section, the author may explain why the neighbour would be able to help.
  3.  Author and You Questions: These are questions that involve you thinking about previous knowledge and combining it with what the author says. For example, “Why would the main character want to have a dog come with her on the trail for safety?” The author may have said the character felt safer having a dog with her, and then you can add to it by saying dogs are protective animals that people often take with them on trails in case they encounter other animals or want to walk by themselves.
  4. On My Own: You can answer these questions on your own without reading the text, but the question is related to your reading. It is just you won’t find the answer in the text. You have to use your previous knowledge and own critical-thinking skills. For example, “Do people need to be able to survive in the wilderness? Should wilderness survival skills be mandatory learning for everyone?”

As we read, you will keep a REMARK to mark your place in the book. We will make one quickly in class before we start reading. It is a bookmark with pages, so you can write down:

  1.  QAR Questions and Answers
  2.  New vocabulary and their meanings
  3.  Random thoughts that occur to you while reading

When we are doing with our reading of this book, I will be asking you to do a mini book report in your e-portfolio, which will be due no later than June 11th. I will post criteria for it as we get closer to that point, so you know what to do and what to include.

We will talk more about this in class. I think you will enjoy the book!

Ms. D