Independent Projects – Doing Research and General Update

Hello Everyone!

Now that everyone has a topic of passion for their independent project, we are actively doing research.

What to do for secondary research (we talked about ALL of this in class.):

  • Find resources for your research! We are actively doing research until April 30. You  need to use both book and internet resources.
  • Go online to order books from the public library. They are doing “pick ups” so you do not have to browse in the library, but if you are able to quickly visit and pick up resources, that is great.
  • Ms. Ho, our school librarian, has been ordering books from other school libraries, including the high schools, and they are gradually coming in to the classroom. These books can’t go home, but you can take notes on them during class time.
  • Check out your own books on your topic from the Suncrest Library. We have library every Thursday.
  • Use an encyclopedia online to get information on your topic if possible.
  • Find websites on your topic. Remember to think of all the synonyms of the words related to your topic as you do Google searches.
  • Use websites with appropriate endings — .edu, .gov, .org.  Avoid those with .com, and avoid websites with lots of ads.
  • Avoid blogs that give opinions rather than facts.
  • Avoid entertainment articles that have games, ads, or other distracting elements. If it is a reputable source of information, there will be less of this.
  • Use websites that have a specific author, and are not older than 2015.
  • Take notes in your journal, under the section for Independent Project, and using the chart. Remember to ask questions first, recording them on the left, and then record resources and answers on the right.
  • Use the Wonderings Wall question method discussed in class to ask deeper questions during the process of research.

What do I record for secondary resources, so I can make a bibliography for the project?

  • You need to do a bibliography in May. Do not worry about making a formal one right now. Just make sure to record the information about the resource in your notes, so you can make a bibliography later.
  • For a BOOK:  Record the title, the author or editors, the publisher, where it was published, the copyright date, and the pages you used.
  • For a WEBSITE:  Record the name of the website, the name of the article you used, the date of the article, who wrote the article or the name of the person who made the website, the date you accessed the website.
  • For a MAGAZINE: Record the title of the magazine, the date of the magazine and issue number, the name of the article you read, the author, and the pages used.
  • For other resources, please come see Ms. D and we can talk about it.

What to do for primary research (this is required, choose one, and make sure to document your primary research with written observations, photos, or a lab write up.):

  • Interview with an expert on the topic. (Before you do an interview, write down your questions and ask Ms. D to review them with you. Record the person’s answers, their name, and the date of the interview.)
  • Observations at a location, or of someone doing something related to your topic. (It is a good idea to take both written observations, the dates you took the observations, and take some pictures to share later as part of your presentation.)
  • Lab experiment. (Use the scientific method to do a lab write up. Take pictures to document the process so you will have them for your presentation later. Write down the dates you conducted the experiment.)
  • Build something. (Document your design process with a draft drawing or plan, notes about how the process is going, and pictures so you have them for your presentation later. Record dates about when you did certain things in your notes.)
  • Do something. (Try something for the first time, document the experience, and take pictures so you have them for your presentation later. Record dates about when you did certain things in your notes.)

Next Steps?

  • Let Ms. D know what your primary research is, so she can help if needed.
  • Record your resource information.
  • Let Ms. D know if you are having trouble finding resources.
  • Take lots of neat notes, as you will be required to show them to me.
  • Begin working on what your primary research is, as that can take lots of time..
  • We will talk about how to present (as there are lots of options) at the end of April, and focus on that during the month of May.

Due Dates?

  • Secondary Research Notes — Due April 30th.
  • Primary Research — Due May 31st.
  • Presentation and Bibliography — Due June 11th
  • Presentation to Community  — Approx. June 16 — Method for presentation and specifics of that date to be communicated later, given we have to figure out health and safety concerns first.

Thank you, everyone, for all of the great work you are doing so far!