Activities & Assignments June 22 – 25

Activities Update for Week of June 22 – 24

  • Please see your email and MS Teams for times to pick up belongings on Tuesday June 23rd and Wednesday June 24th.
  • It is okay at this point if assignments are not finished, and most things have changed to being optional. Please just do what is the most interesting and fun for you, so you have things to keep you happy and healthy!
  • Prodigy, IXL, SoundTrap, EPIC, and MS Teams will all end this week. Download any podcasts if you want a copy for yourself.
  • Last official day of learning:  June 24th
  • Have a good summer!


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! 

Optional Choices:

  • PODCAST:  Listen to one another’s podcasts if you haven’t had time yet.
  • ART/Photography: If you need one more photography challenge, please see MS Teams for the last one called Stop Time or Get Closer. Also, take a moment to see a slideshow of our photos posted in MS Teams this week.
  • See Optional Daily Activities Page  – a specific page for extra activity ideas.
  • Mandala Rocks, Lanterns, Zentangle, Watercolour, Crystals, Contour Drawing, Under the Ground Drawing: See MS Teams for Optional Assignments
  • Music: Visit Ms. Fletcher’s Music Blog for ideas about making music.


Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Physical Health – Heart Workout: Pick one fitness activity each day, either of your own or from the optional choices list, that gets your heart rate up!

Optional Choices:

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 

Read something fun and avoid news/current events.

Need to Do:

  • LA:  Read 30 minutes for fun, relaxation, or learning each day!
  • Join Daily Read Aloud: Ms. D will read The Inquisitor’s Tale Monday 3pm and Wednesday 230 pm.

Optional Choices:

SERVICE and CONNECTION (30 minutes) 

Clean and help others! Connect with classmates and family. Play! Be kind! 

Need to Do:

  • ZOOM Meetings:  10 am Wed. Last meeting for Unit PowerPoint presentations.
  • Contribute to our MS Teams channels.  Do the math and writing challenges, or participate in word games and riddles.
  • Connect with others!  Connect with a friend! Make sure you have contact with your class community and friends, which is important for your mental health!

Optional Choices:

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 

Learn something new and document your learning in some way.


Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Optional Choices:

  • Past Assignments: Check for past assignments you may not have finished.
  • LA: Creative Writing for 30 minutes. Choose a topic! See MS Teams.
  • Science and Art: Make a superhero element. See MS Teams.
  • Math Financial Literacy Reading and Word Problems: Read the book “Follow Your Money” on EPIC. Then, see MS Teams for a series of word problems in a folder for you to do.
  • See the Optional Daily Activities Page for activities from past weeks.

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D