SCHEDULE OPTIONS April 6th, Post #2 of 3

Hello Everyone,

Here is an update of possible activities for the week of April 6th. Remember, USE THIS LIST! Don’t sit around bored. There are things to do! Do something from EACH category, EACH day.

Take a deep breath, find a comfortable spot where you think you can do some learning, and find an activity you like to do. 

You don’t have to do them in this exact order, you don’t have to do all of the optional activities, and your schedule can be designed to suit your family. But, please choose something from each list (or use activities from your own family’s choices) and commit to a chunk of time to do each category.

There are NEED TO DO & OPTIONAL assignments. NEED TO DO assignments will sometimes be explained more on the blog and in MS Teams on the assignments tab. Some may require you to submit something in MS Teams.

I hope this helps structure your time this week! Let me know if you have questions.


MAKER HOUR (60 minutes)
Do something creative! Make something new!
Take a picture to document your work!

Need to Do:

  • Making art to share with everyone. Ms. D will provide a separate blog entry about how to do this.
  • Provide an e-port entry with a picture of you doing one of the MAKER HOUR choices (or another category below other than INDIE READING), and explain how it went. What did you do? What did you learn? How did it go?

Optional Choices:

FITNESS HOUR (60 Minutes) 
Get moving, get some exercise, get your heart pumping!

Need to Do:

  • Listen to this news story on BBC about a football player in Africa who has created a shoe workout to keep herself in shape. Then, create your own shoe workout. Have someone video tape you doing the workout. Save the video in One Drive. I will put a separate post about how to share videos with us using your e-port or the blog.
  • Part of fitness is also monitoring your MENTAL HEALTH. What are you doing to help keep your spirits up? I use the app CALM. Ask your parents for help to get the app for free. If you can’t, then find a quiet space, put on some nice music, look at a pleasant image, and do some deep breathing to calm yourself. It is good to do this at the beginning and the end of your day.

Optional Choices:

INDIE READING (30 minutes) 
Reading, preferably offline but if you are out of books and need to go online, at least not news or current events articles.

  • Go on to EPIC and read books from the class assignments list.
  • Build a fort with a blanket over a table or chairs and do some reading under it
  • On, if you have the Kindle App, there are lots of free books to read
  • With a library card, use online resources for Burnaby/Vancouver Public Libraries
  • Use Audible for free right now to listen to tons of online audible stories.
  • Use the Burnaby School District’s Tumblebooks Account to access books online. Press the ebooks tab at the top. I sent you an email about how to access this, as you need a user ID and password.
  • Higher Level Reading — Project Gutenberg free ebooks
  • Open Library — has non-fiction and fiction options, some great for IP!
  • Need a break from reading, but love words? Complete a word search or a crossword puzzle.

SERVICE (30 minutes) 
Clean and help! A great way to help everyone in your family and community feel better during this stressful time!

  • Participate in the 7PM NOISE outside, done by the community to say thank you to our first responders and healthcare workers!
  • Create messages of hope, hearts, or other beautiful things to hang in the window or on the balcony that people in your neighbourhood can see from their windows.
  • Make a homemade gift for members of your family, and learn how to wrap them using Furoshiki, the art of Japanese gift wrapping
  • Prepare a musical performance to share with your family after dinner.
  • Organize a family game activity.
  • Create a dinner night, with fancy napkins, table, outfits, menus, decorations, etc. so when you can’t go out, there is something fun to do at home.
  • Make a shopping list for the family
  • Unload or load the dishwasher
  • Sweep or vacuum the house
  • Call a grandparent, family member, or friend to help them feel connected during this time of isolation
  • Help with the laundry — loading, folding, putting things away
  • Dust the house or blinds
  • Clean windows
  • Help with the garbage, recycling, or compost runs
  • Clean off counters
  • Wipe doorknobs and high-touch spaces with cleaner
  • Take care of a pet
  • Clean the toilet
  • Organize recycling
  • Watch your younger sibling so your parents can have a break
  • Make a dinner for your family so they have a break from it!

GENIUS HOUR (60 minutes) 
Learn something new and document your learning in some way.

Need to Do:

  • Have a one-on-one video conference meeting with Ms. D to talk about how you are doing on your independent project research. Check your email to RSVP for your meeting. If the time doesn’t work, suggest new times.
  • Look at this document and make sure you understand how to cite your sources for your project bibliography. Do the practice examples they give you. If you are using Easy Bib, you still need to ensure your bibliography has correct format and lists resources correctly. Each type of resources (book, website, etc.) is cited in a different way.
  • The Burnaby School District has provided a Digital Web Quest to talk about digital citizenship. As we are using technology even more, I think it is a good idea for you all to do the web quest this week. It says it is for secondary students, but I think it will help you, too.
  • Read Can You Believe It on the Exploratorium’s website and find out the seven questions you should ask yourself when reading scientific claims (such as those about COVID-19 in the news.)

Optional Choices:

Specific learning opportunities at grade level or connected to our unit.

Need to Do:

  • Write a pen pal letter (see blog, April 6 post #1 of 3).
  • Go to Science Snacks on the San Francisco Exploratorium’s website and do the activity called Life Size to understand the size of microscopic things. If you can’t print out the handout, just make a list of your own of the items on the handout using scrap pieces of paper.
  • What are all of the currency forms for Canadian money? Write them down (bills and coins), and then think of all the different ways you could make $19.99 using those bills and/or coins. Record them on an MS Word document to turn in, or draw it and turn in a picture of it!

Optional Choices:

Questions? Email me!

With kindness,

Ms. D