New Unit Information and Beginning Brainstorm 3/31, #3 of 3

Hello Everyone,

Hopefully you have already read the last two blog posts, you found MS Teams online, and you are getting ready for our distance learning by getting set up at home. Please let me know via email or on the TEAMS general conversation page if you have any questions.

Yes, we will be doing a new unit! You will have to imagine our UNIT WALL, but here is the info for you to start thinking about.

Unit Focus Statement:

Humans create a variety of systems and tools to get their needs and wants met.

This will be an inquiry into:

  • The nature of needs versus wants
  • Our use and management of natural resources (renewable and non-renwable)
  • Systems we create to get our needs and wants met
  • Government systems
  • How we use scientific information to get our needs and wants met (Rocks and Minerals, Geology, Geography, Chemistry)
  • Basics of Economics and trade here and around the world
  • Financial Literacy, Proportionate Reasoning, Budgeting
  • French-speaking countries in the world

Core Competency Focus:

Critical Thinking

Your Questions:

Assignment # 3 is going to be making a chart. Can you make a T chart in MS Word or any other program you can save and upload, using the Microsoft tools you have online, that will show things you think are needs versus wants in this world? Can you do this in collaboration with someone from class by contacting them via phone or via email? (Remember, you have everyone’s emails in Outlook, you just need to be sure you know a person’s first and last name.)

Due by next Monday, April 6th