E-Portfolio Questions Rube Goldberg

Hello Everyone,

As we had several people absent today due to inclement weather, I am posting the questions for our e-port due on Monday about Rube Goldberg. Here you go!

E-Port Title:  Rube Goldberg

  1. Who was Rube Goldberg? (include facts from the biography you needed to read per my previous blog entry about this assignment)
  2. What was your Rube Goldberg machine designed to do? (purpose)
  3. How was your machine supposed to work? (give the steps you designed in your original version)
  4. Did your machine as you planned it actually work? What would you/did you do differently to make it work?
  5. Which simple machines did you use? (you were required to use three)

If you were absent on the day of Rube Goldberg building, I encourage you to try making one at home. We also agreed that on Friday I would give you optional time to build some more during Free Choice Friday activities.

Thank you,

Ms. D