First Peoples and Early Tools

Hello Everyone,

As we finish our work on timelines showing how human innovations and technologies have changed over time, we are going to take a look at early tools used by First Peoples of the Pacific Northwest.

Canada’s First Peoples used many different tools and technologies that were important to their culture and for their survival. Some are still used today, whether in their original or an updated format. 

You will work with a partner to find out more about these early tools. Here are some websites you can use to do your research:

First Peoples of Canada

Canadian Geographic Atlas

Learning Portal Royal BC Museum

Learning Portal Timeline Royal BC Museum

First Peoples of BC Royal BC Museum

SD71 Comox Resources

Canadian Encyclopedia First Peoples

Pacific Northwest Artifacts

Burke Museum Coast Salish

First Nations Information, Museum of Anthropology

Map First Nations BC

Once we are done finding out more about the tools listed on your handout, you will choose one to do a short mini poster about. This will mean doing a bit more research on the item, beyond the websites I have provided. We are also going to be making spindle whorls for art. Did you find out what a spindle whorl is from your list of tools?

Ms. D