Daily Self Reflection!

Hello Everyone!

As we discuss the core competency of CRITICAL THINKING, I am asking students to be thinkers as they reflect daily on their participation and performance in class. 

We reviewed our participation rubric, which has “I CAN” statements related to a student’s effort and habits of mind in class. This includes behaviours related to time management, overall effort on assignments, participation in discussions, collaborating well with others, and completing activities independently.

For each section of the rubric, we took a class vote and assigned a stamp symbol from some new stamps Ms. D found over break! 


Ms. D will ask students to reflect on their day and give themselves a stamp. The stamp will be the student’s choice, although Ms. D may have conversations with the student as they try to decide which one is appropriate. The hope is that this is some quick, formative feedback for both students and parents about how the day went.

Thank you to parents as you continue to sign the agenda each night, so that the stamp mark can be discussed at home, too.

Thank you to students for the great work on self-reflection the two days we have been trying this as a class!