Welcome Back! How was Spring Break?

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone had a restful spring break!

We have some exciting things coming up as we dive into our unit work for term three. Here are some things to be aware of as we get going!

Do you have a glass jar here? We plan on making Borax crystals as we continue to talk about rocks, minerals, and elements. Please find a glass jar and bring it in for tomorrow.

Learning about making questions! Independent Project! Before break, we began talking about our independent project for the end of the year, musing about topics. Please begin thinking about possible areas of study. Today we did a Question Technique activity to help us think about brainstorming and forming questions for research. What is a closed and an open question? How do you think an open question will better help you with research? We will continue practicing questioning during our unit, especially as we thinking about our critical-thinking skills from the core competencies.

Choose Kindness: We will be working on being caring in our classroom community and beyond. Today we read the book Be a Unicorn & Live Life on the Bright Side. Remember, as it said in the book, “On Wednesday, Unicorn just went around complimenting everyone.” How does receiving or giving a compliment make you feel? We talked about how caring for others actually makes you feel good at the same time — it is just brain science!

Student Led Conference April 11th! Please return the notice sent out today with your preferred times. Please do indicate at least two choices of times, as each session can only have eight students. Division five is planning some great activities for parents to participate in! Plan to be there for an entire hour to get the most out of the experience. 

Walking in Burnaby! As part of our physical education and health learning this term, we are signed up to participate in the Walk 30 Burnaby. This means walking 30 minutes a day, or at least our three times of physical education each week, then recording our minutes as a class team. Each student will receive a reflector band for participating and is invited to participate in the May 12th ending celebration with prizes, food, and health activities. Schools across the District are invited to participate, along with those in New West. See their website for detailed information.

Report Card Envelopes: Please return signed report card envelopes as soon as possible. Thank you!

Library Tomorrow (Wed!) So, don’t forget your books! Ms. D has brought some new books and added them to the classroom library, too, such as Smile, Project 1065, and Escape from Syria. Hope you enjoy!

Annnnnnddddd……the gerbils are back! Hello again to Squeak and Little Grey. They are currently chewing on cardboard as we speak.

Have a good evening,

Ms. D