Canada: Movement of People

Hello Everyone:

Using the resource in the classroom called Canada:Movement of People, answer these questions in your journal:

  1. What does the word diverse mean in terms of Canada’s population?
  2. What were the three big groups of immigrants from Europe, where did they come from, and when did they come to Canada? (Please give names to these immigration periods)
  3. How did most people come from Ireland to Canada and what were the problems with the journey?
  4. What two wars caused migration of people in the 1700s/1800s? What were the groups of migrants called?
  5. Why did a lot of migrants come from Europe to the Canadian West?
  6. Why did the Chinese immigrants come to Canada in the 1800s?
  7. Where did Dutch immigrants go?
  8. Who were the Black Refugees?
  9. Who came to Upper Canada or Ontario to settle?
  10. Name four laws/acts passed in Canada about immigration and tell some details about them.
  11. Who are Acadians?
  12. What is Africville?
  13. What happened in 1971 to Canadian government policy that had to do with welcoming other cultures to Canada? (hint: page 27)
  14. What are the two official languages of Canada? What are other languages in Canada?