Museum of Anthropology Trip Thursday, October 6th

Just a reminder that we will be at the Museum of Anthropology October 6th, Thursday. I am looking forward to the program we will attend, which will involve learning more about the potlatch tradition. We will also have the opportunity to see the rest of the museum after lunch. Students need to bring a disposable lunch, snack, and water bottle for their visit. Given space on the bus, no large backpacks are allowed, so please limit what you bring or use a simple string bag to hold items.

***Please do not bring a camera and/or valuables. Ms. D will take photos during our time there, as will other parent volunteers. Thank you!

One of the exhibits we can see is called:


Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun is an artist who uses abstract painting and sculpture to communicate about emotions and issues surrounding land and First Nations groups in British Columbia. Please see the MOA’s web link to learn more about him and watch the video at the bottom.


Read about First Nations Background here so you are better prepared for our program. We have spent time talking about many of these things in class, and will revisit them this week before our trip. There is also a map of First Nations in BC you can look at that contains the traditional names of groups mentioned in the museum.