Week Ahead September 26th!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a good weekend! With the rain and grey weather Ms. D spent quite a bit of time curled up reading. I hope you were able to find an interesting book to read, too!

No School on September 26th, Monday & September 30th, Friday.

If you did not receive it on Friday, when Ms. D was away, please see the following field trip notice for the Museum of Anthropology Field Trip on Thursday, October 6th. Parent volunteers are first come, first serve as I receive the notices on Tuesday. Please be sure to get all notices in as soon as possible, and do pay online whenever possible, as it is easier for accounting purposes at the office.

On Friday, students spent some time looking up information on First Nations groups in the Coastal areas of BC. If they would like to look at the website we used at home, please see the First Peoples of Canada Website. We are looking to become familiar with some of the First Nations groups, learn about potlatch, discuss indigenous rights in relation to our human rights discussion, and look at the Site C Dam situation in British Columbia.

On Thursday, we discussed energy by watching the video by Bill Nye on Energy Transfer, doing some experiments with marbles to discuss how energy is transferred through objects, and then watching Ms. D use a holiday toy windmill with a candle as we discussed how heat is transferred and creates kinetic energy. This coming week, we will continue talking about how energy transfers by looking at electrons, chemical bonds, batteries, and electricity.

Check your agendas and remember you have two things due on Tuesday!

And if you are trying to purchase some items through Scholastic, please know that the parent pay website was not showing my name, so if you want to send me your cheques you can. I have contacted Scholastic, so it should be fixed shortly. Thank you to the parents who brought this to my attention! If anyone does not feel comfortable using the parent pay option, you may give me cheques. Please don’t send cash for Scholastic, and make sure all cheques are made out directly to Scholastic, not to me.

Thank you and have a great week!