Making Goals for the New Year!

Hello Everyone!

On agendas today:

  • You have a confirmed parent conference time, so please see the agenda! If you do not have your time for any reason, please contact Ms. D.
  • Please remember to pay for agendas online and to bring in the pink form saying it is paid
  • Please bring in student verification forms as soon as possible
  • Ticket Notice for PAC Carnival went home today
  • Review the Human Rights Video we watched and discussed today
  • Create some goals for the new year and fill out the worksheet MACC Goals for 2016 for Monday. Have Mom and Dad sign it and help, too!

On the MACC Goals, please use sentences to describe your goals. On the question that asks what your Learner Profile goal is, please talk about which attributes you would like to work on from the poster in our classroom.

  • Do you want to be a better communicator (public speaking, working with others, writing, etc.)?
  • Do you want to be more balanced (get enough sleep, balance between work and play, having down time)?
  • Do you want to be more of an inquirer (asking deeper questions about your learning) or a thinker (joining in the discussion about deep questions in class)?
  • Do you want to be more knowledgeable about a particular subject?
  • Do you want to be more open-minded to others’ ideas, or be more of a risk-taker by trying new things?
  • Or maybe you are working on being caring (reaching out to others, being a good friend, taking care of people) or principled (working on knowing right from wrong, making good decisions)?

Tell me about which one of these you are working on for this year and how you will do it!

Have a great weekend! Rumblebot race on Monday due to delay from Terry Fox run practice this afternoon, so work on those racers!

Ms. D