Agendas Sent Home Tonight!

Hello Everyone,


Today we passed out our beautiful, new agendas! A pink notice was sent home to pay for them online via the Suncrest main website

Here are our roles for helping keep students on track with home studies or reminders using the agenda tool:


  • At the end of the day, write down everything from the board.
  • Write everything down because Ms. D might not post everything on the blog. 🙂
  • Bring the agenda to school every day.
  • Remind parents to sign your agenda.
  • Monitor homework and sleep. Including 20 minutes of reading, homework should not be more than 60 minutes/night. You need 10-12 hours of sleep. You also need down time to process the day and be ready for the next one.
  • Put homework and notices in your homework binder. Avoid taking class binders home when you can.


  • Clearly write reminders, notices, school events, and homework on the board
  • Sign agendas at end of day several times a week. When we have big projects or events at end of the day, the teacher may need to check it the next day instead.
  • Put extra notices on a clip up at the whiteboard for those who missed them.
  • Check to see that parents are signing agenda.
  • Post to blog to help keep everyone informed.


  • Sign agenda every evening and check to see if there are notices
  • Sign Reading Around the World duotang for 20 minutes of reading
  • Monitor child’s time spent doing homework. If it becomes a habit to be doing more than 60 minutes every night, talk about how class time is being used, whether or not the work really needs to be done that night, and time management.
  • Encourage your child to speak with me directly about concerns.


  • Conference forms due as soon as possible
  • Student Forms packets need to be returned
  • Terry Fox $2 Drive
  • Rumblebot Race tomorrow, so bring supplies to work on or bots you have worked on at home
  • Agenda $ pay online
  • Music Cover Sheet due next Monday when we have music

Have a good night!

Ms. D