What are your human rights? Update Tuesday Sept. 13

Hello Everyone!

We started today with W.O.W. (Words of the Week) which we will generally do every Monday or Tuesday. It involves looking in the dictionary and choosing 10 words students may be less familiar with, so we can broaden our vocabularies! One of the words will come from Ms. DeTerra’s new favourite book called The Disappearing Dictionary by David Crystal, which details words on the “endangered words species list.”

Due on Thursday: For each word, students need to find the part of speech (noun, adjective, adverb, verb, etc.), the definition (there may be more than one, so do up to 4), and the origin of the word (Old English, Latin, Foreign language). They must also use the word in a sentence. The purpose is to learn new words, practice using dictionaries effectively (we did it online today on the iPads using dictionary.com), discuss how languages have changed over time, and to practice using parts of speech. Also, we are often reading articles from current events, and understanding these words can help with comprehension! This week’s words are:

  • alleviate
  • altercation
  • aphorism
  • appease
  • archipelago
  • avaricious
  • atypical
  • augment
  • axis
  • attercop  (endangered word)

We are currently doing a read aloud in connection with our new unit, the book A Night Divided by Jennifer Nielsen. It is about a family who becomes divided when the Berlin Wall is put up in Germany.  Please do not read this book at home, as it will take away from our reading and discussion of the book together at school. Thanks!

Everyone shared out the 10 rights they thought our new planet should have (per yesterday’s blog entry), and we discussed the pros and cons of each new rule. Ms. D challenged everyone to be a THINKER by answering: Where do the rules we make come from? How do we know right from wrong? Why isn’t it easy to make one set of rules that applies to everyone?

Then, students reviewed the United Declaration of Human Rights and compared it to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to see how they are different. Students were given a set of world situations, and they will have to figure out which article from either one of these documents can protect the right being given or denied to the person described. We are keeping all of these items in our blue unit binder, under the divider for “handouts.” The blue binder should stay at school for now, as the papers in it act like our textbook! If something is homework, Ms. D will say it is homework and ask students to put the item in their folder that can go to and from home.

Finally, we had our first gym class. We started with general fitness exercises. Our goal is to work up to 10 minutes of continuous running. We started with 1 minute today. Then we played a racing game called Rock Paper Scissors Race that involves quick reaction time! Our next PE time is on Thursday after lunch, so if you have a PE shirt it is a good idea to bring it for then!

Thank you to those of you who came to my office hours! When you come, if you need to speak with me, just let me know you are here so I am aware someone is waiting. If your question is quick, you can pop in and get your question answered, even if I am with someone, especially if you need to leave right away. If you are looking for a private, longer conversation, please wait outside on the porch after you let me know you are here, and I will try to wrap things up as best as I can if I know someone is waiting. I am always available for special appointments, so just email! Students with specific questions are welcome, otherwise, students need to wait outside so I can have private meetings. Thank you so much!

We will be having our Terry Fox Run on September 23rd, Friday. Please bring in toonies for Terry!

Parent Intake Meetings are on September 21 and 22! Notice will go home tomorrow. On September 21 early dismissal at 2PM and conferences from 2-7 PM. On September 22 late start at 9:55 AM and conferences from 3-5 PM.

No School on September 26th Monday and September 30th Friday.

Thank you and have a great evening!

Ms. D