Had fun with KAHOOT! Monday Sept. 12

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for bringing in your supplies today. We spent some time organizing them, putting names on binders, and setting up the room. Thanks to everyone for your patience as we get the classroom organized for a great year!

Today we handed out Reading Around the World folders. Please read over the expectations with Mom and Dad at home! Folders should be going home so you can use it as a guide for the 20 minutes of reading nightly. If you have any questions about the program, please let me know!

Students also had music today, and we will have music twice a week. The permanent schedule for music, library and PE is still being worked out. Tomorrow, though, we will have our first PE session in the gym. Library will not start until next Monday.

Students also began our math assessments today, and we will continue them tomorrow to find out what the best level for each MACC student to work on for independent math time.

Ms. DeTerra introduced KAHOOT, which is similar to TimePlay in the movie theatres. It was a great opportunity to get out the iPads for the first time, go over guidelines for using them, and then to play an interactive game about colour theory in preparation for art! Students can make their own Kahoots online if they wish and have opportunities later to share them with friends in MACC.

We started our first big unit! It is called Action for Human Rights. We will combine socials, science, math, language arts, and the arts by looking at the following focus statement:

Open-mindedness and innovative thinking create change in the world.

We will look at the following areas as part of the unit:

  • Human Rights (Personal, Children, Aboriginal, International)
  • Energy, Forces, and Inventions
  • Creative and Critical Thinking
  • How Action Creates Change

If you happen to know anyone who works in a field related to these areas, particularly in human rights, please let Ms. D know, as we like to have visitors to the classroom that make the unit a richer experience! Today students were given a task to open the unit: A new planet has been discovered and a portion of the Earth’s population will move there. But, there are no laws. Come up with what you think would be the 10 most important laws, rules, rights, etc. on this new planet. We will finish our conversation tomorrow!

More as the week unfolds! Tonight please go over Reading Around the World, think about bringing in a toonie for Terry for our cancer research fund, and look at the yellow notice regarding the upcoming Suncrest carnival!!

Ms. D