Weekend Reminders September 9th!

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for a first great week!

On Thursday, we had our musical, community assembly with Ms. Hetrick, and many of our MACC students joined with their Suncrest community to provide the music for our whole-school dance. Thank you for volunteering, and you did a great job!

Ms. D also introduced this year’s Journals. We read the book An Interesting Thing Happened on the Way to School and everyone wrote an entry about a fantastical excuse they would have for being late to school. We also went over journal guidelines and Ms. D’s system of marking quick assignments (check plus, check, check minus). Journals should generally stay in the classroom, or if you take it home overnight, they should be returned to the box in the classroom. Next Friday, I will take a look at your entry and also assign a new topic, so it is important you have your journal in the box for me to find!

On Friday, we finished up our door decorations for the school-wide door decorating contest. We made an outside, shared book library, like the ones you can find in Vancouver and Burnaby. On our door is a bookcase, made by the students, as well as one book for each student designed with images of what they did over the summer. We toured the other doors throughout the school. Everyone did a great job!

We also had opportunities to meet with our buddies, playing pictionary races, and played a large, intermediate grades capture the flag game. We reviewed our essential agreements, which are to be finalized next week. And finally, we had our first “free choice” session, which happen every Friday depending on the schedule. These free choice times offer students down time to do a project, game, or activity of their choice. It is a great opportunity to form community in our class and to take some time to come down from all the activity in the week.

For MONDAY: Please make sure you bring any remaining supplies, your personal letter, and the signed copies of the parent questionnaire and social media form.

Also, we will be having our Terry Fox run on Friday, September 23rd, at 2PM. Starting Monday, September 12th, student reps will  be coming around to collect a loonie for Terry. We try to encourage each person in the school to bring at least a loonie so we can make a donation toward cancer research. Thank you for your support!

Reading Around the World will be handed out on Monday if you have brought a green duotang for me to put the papers in for the year. We will go over how the program is a bit different from last year when we have our class meeting together on Monday.

Our first PE class will be on Tuesday. We do not have a permanent gym schedule yet, but for Tuesday this week please have a gym strip shirt to change into.

Have a great weekend!

Ms. D