Congrats to Track Participants! Reminders for May 3rd

Hello Everyone!

Congratulations to the members of the track team in our class, as many received ribbons for their participation and efforts! 🙂  Good job!

Today we had a project work day. We are working on the following:

  • Lit Circle Project: Students should have chosen a project from the list. They had the option of choosing an individual or group project. Our goal is to finish this project by May 13th, Friday. Please start brainstorming what you will do, and remember, use your book, as the project must show what you read in the novel!
  • MACC MALL: Students are finishing their patent applications. Anyone with a stamp on their patent has permission to go ahead and begin working on the product. A list of prices for items is on the board in the classroom. Anything you use likely has a price, so make sure you check with Ms. D. Do not buy any new stuff. Only use recyclables or things you find, but nothing new or bought. Our first “product check in” will be May 12, Thursday. More work time tomorrow!
  • Caribou Test: Tomorrow between recess and lunch, we will go to the computer lab for the Caribou Test. Please practice the interactive puzzle online.
  • End of Year Project: Now that we have topics, our next step is to identify three areas of focus, eight key questions to answer, resources we will use to find out information, what our project to show our learning might look like, and how we will assess ourselves when it is done. Get a worksheet from Ms. D to detail all of this. Due Friday, May 6th.
  • Musical May 18th: Remember that you will need to be at the musical from 6:30 – 8:30 on May 18th. We went over costumes in class. Please let Ms. D know by Friday if you have an issue with getting an item from your costume. Girls need flowing skirts or dresses; boys and musicians need white shirts, dark pants.

The blog has not been working well lately with regard to making comments, so if you need to reach me, please do email! Thank you and have a great night!


Our class has been given a gardening bin, located off of the primary playground, to plant in for these sunny two months before school ends. Tomorrow, we will be putting in fresh soil on top, adding bone meal for fertilizer, and planting seeds and small starter plants. We hope to have some kale, radishes, lettuce, strawberries, and more before we go to break.

If any student has their own pair of gardening gloves, or a small gardening shovel, please feel free to bring them for tomorrow.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Ms. D

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