Thank You for Student Leds & Weekend Reminders – April 29

Hello Everyone!

I told the students today I was very proud of how articulate they all were while describing their work to their parents during our student led conferences. You all did a great job!! Thank you to parents for coming to see our student work. Our Wonderings Board is now full of so many great questions!

We are now moving forward working on our product to sell for MACC Mall. As a reminder to students, this project does not involve buying new stuff from the store. You may use recyclables or nature items that do not involve hurting nature (sticks, rocks from the beach, etc.) Any other item you use outside of recyclables will cost you for your budget. The budget is $100, and today we talked about general costs that will apply to supplies you use in the classroom. You need to remember to budget funds for renting mall space, advertising, patent fees, a business license, and a fee to the MACC Safety Committee that will determine your product is safe for use by children. Please work on your idea over the weekend.

We are also moving forward with our Literature Circle Final Project. I provided students with a list of project ideas. They can work individually or with their whole group. Ideally, you are working with a group only if you chose the skit/drama option. Please have your idea in mind for Monday so we can get started.

Dragon Boating forms and money were due today. Most people have paid, but a few still need to get in their forms. Thank you to Gary, Sylvia’s Dad, and Candace, Michael’s Mom, who will be our steerers for the two boats we will be using. We are traveling in parent vehicles and my own — all parent drivers need to have an insurance waiver form from Suncrest on file. Please bring these in as soon as possible.

Math — Compound Interest: Please finish this worksheet so we can go over it and continue our talk about bank accounts and how they work on Monday.


  • Caribou Test:  Next week on May 4 and 5
  • Abel/Gauss Testing at School:  May 11
  • Dragon Boating:  May 25, June 1, June 8
  • School Musical: Our night is May 18, Wednesday (cast, crew, Greek Chorus are both nights on May 18 and 19)
  • No School on May 13 for Curriculum Day

Have a good weekend!