Student Led Conferences

Hello Everyone!

Please note that tomorrow are student led conferences. They will be completely student led, and there will be stations to take part in (Parents get to do some work, too, so be prepared to participate!  But it will be fun!)

In order to make everything run smoothly, please note that you have about 30-45 minutes to be at the conference. At 4:00 PM I have to shut the doors so I can get some dinner before the evening session, so if you show up at 3:30, please take into mind that I will need to ask you to be done by 4PM.

As this is student-led and there are many people in the room, I ask that if you need to have a longer conversation with me, let’s set up a private time to talk. Thank you!

Finally, there will be some snacks. Some of the students offered to help with this by bringing something, but it is not required! So, if you see “chips and popcorn” in the agenda, it is likely they were copying down what others offered to bring to share.

Don’t forget to respond to the previous blog posts if you can.

Many thanks and see you tomorrow!

Ms. D