Visit to the Genome Sciences Centre!

Hello Everyone!

Today we had a great field trip to the BC Cancer Agency Research Centre called Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Science Centre. Rather than Ms. D telling you all about this trip, today everyone will make a comment during class detailing what we learned. Thank you to Daniel’s dad for making us aware of this trip and coming with us today, and thank you to Naomi’s and Sophia’s moms for joining us, as well!

Students, in order to get your comment (an assignment, too) approved, it will need: appropriate detail, show you were paying attention during our visit, have unique information, and also be properly edited prior to posting. Please check over your posts before pressing submit!

Reminders: No school Monday and Tuesday; Early Dismissal Thursday and Friday; Student-Led Conferences on April 28th; Dragon Boat Forms & Payment due April 29. If you are driving please reconfirm and I will provide you with a driver’s form that needs to be on file with the Suncrest office. I will hand out those forms on Wednesday when we return to school.

Have a great weekend! If anyone is interested, there is a great arts MAKE IT Fair going on at the PNE all weekend, so I will be there! This is not the Maker Faire I spoke of before, and is more focused on artisans versus makers/technology.