For Parents — Google Hangouts

Dear Parents:

I hope this finds you well!

just wanted to take a quick moment to advise all of you that many students from our class are using Google Hangouts (a chat room through Google if you have gmail.) This is not something recommended or encouraged by me through our District tools, and it is unmonitored conversation occurring between students. Students are using their private gmail accounts for this and they are doing it after hours, while not at school.

I would recommend that you please check in with your child to ensure they are using this appropriately. While most conversation is no doubt friendly and positive, I think it would be a good idea to check in with them. Please also refer to my previous post on the blog about technology and safe social media practice.

I will also be addressing in class again the appropriate things that can be discussed online. While it is great to talk with people and have a chat online, it is not appropriate, for example, to talk about other people from class who are not part of the chat at the time.

Thank you for your help and support as we teach them to use their tech tools in appropriate and safe ways.

Kind Regards,

Ms. D