Ms. D’Angelo is back in the classroom. Please note, Ms. Taneva’s last day at Central is Tuesday November 30th. Please speak with her if you have missing assignments, as I will not be assessing any work that she has done with you.
- Class discussion/Think, Pair, Share – How is our identity determined? When you form impressions or opinions about people you first meet, what kinds of things do you consider?
- Class read aloud – On The Sidewalk Bleeding (R)
- Group discussion of the story (each group responds to one question)
- Creative Writing Assignment – On The Sidewalk Bleeding Restorative Justice (Writing In Role) (H)
- Exemplars, class brainstorm (web)
- Write rough drafts
- Additional time to work on rough drafts from last day
- Introduction to The Outsiders – Non Fiction Article from S.E. Hinton – Teenagers Are For Real
- Hand out books – Class reading of Chapter 1 – How is Ponyboy an outsider? What are your initial impressions of this character. Please see readings and resources for the audiobook
- Read chapter 2 individually
- H.W. Finish draft of On The Sidewalk Bleeding. Final writing assignment is due Monday. Please type and print a hard copy.
- Class read aloud of chapter 3 of The Outsiders
- Preparation for Literature Circle #1 on Monday. Literature circle preparation sheet (H)
- How to ask powerful questions and find important quotations.
- H.W. Finish litearature circle preparation sheet for Monday. On The Sidewalk Bleeding creative writing assignment due Monday.