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Field Trips galore!


Divison 3 has been very busy out and about. Here are some pictures of us having fun at the pumpkin patch and Burnaby Lake.

DSCN4125Some of us had some amazing fun getting lost in the corn maze!


Below: Feeding the birds at Burnaby Lake

Click on “comment” below this post and tell the world what your favourite part of these field trips was.

Burnaby Lake

April 30

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Its hard to believe its almost the end of the  school year!  We still have lots of time left to learn though so read on about something new we have started.

Google docs:  District Pilot project

This is a tool that we are using to help students share their writing with the intention of making it better.  Click on the “writing” link to access our school district log in. From here, students enter their username and password to open their space on the Drive.  This is a private domain, and students have been asked to share their writing with me ( for this activity.  There is no email address associated with the students’ usernames.

We have reviewed appropriate digital citizen behaviour- treating each other with respect, and being careful to use positive language.

The first document students created is a collection of their writing (personal ideas). In their shared drive, they can find the assignment posted from me.   Please encourage them to add to this list whenever they have time.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me, comment here, or call the school.

  • Up coming events: 
  • Earthquake notice is due tomorrow May 1st.
  • open house/ student led conferences Thursday 9-10:30am
  • Grade 4/5 track meet Thurs, 3:30- 5:30
  • Homework: Novel study assignments should be completed in the next week


We have almost finished reading White Jade Tiger by Julie Lawson. Write me a letter on the blog telling me what you thought about this story.  Were there messages you think the author thought were important? What did you find interesting, surprising or  even shocking. What was your favourite part and why?   I look forward to  reading your letters.

April 23, 2013

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sunWe are well into our final term for the 2012- 2013 school year.   It is wonderful to see the sunshine again!

Themes the students are investigating:


Science: Sound – understanding how sound waves travel, and making something to transmit sound.  We will also be looking at the environment and environmental issues.

Socials:  Government -Yes we did plan this so we were learning about it at the same time as our Government is holding an election.  Lets get our class ready to vote!

Language Arts: Poetry, Creative writing and novel studies.   There are a number of different books being read. Please comment on the book you are reading.  We will ask classmates to respond to each other. Maybe we will even post some people’s writing!

Welcome back from Spring Break!

Don’t forget tomorrow is our BIG field trip 

  • Be at school at 8:15 am
  • Bring: Lunch, and snack
  • wear water proof pants
  • wear water proof boots
  • warm jacket
  • mittens, toque
  • Electronics – no Ipods.  Cell phones must always be in pockets.  Cameras are allowed but at your own risk. Students are responsible for their own cameras.
  • There will not be time to buy snacks or other goodies.
Hope everyone has fun.  You will see the First Nations Long House, owls and go snowshoeing. 

Dec. 12

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Hello everyone!  I am happy to report that I am beginning to feel better. My voice is returning but a head cold took over so I have been doing a lot of sleeping.  I hope no one else gets this cold.  Nasty!

Have you noticed the fresh snow on our local hills?  It looks beautiful!

I hope everyone enjoyed the tennis lessons yesterday.  I was very sad to miss them.  Did you enjoy playing tennis with Marcus?

The count down is on….Christmas break is almost here! We have lots happening between now and next Friday.  The big item is the Christmas Concert Tues Dec. 18 1:30 or  Dec. 19 7pm. Make sure you fill out the order form for your parents’ tickets and get it in to the office ASAP.  Our class has a theme of La Fiesta.)  You all need to find a brightly coloured top to wear for the show (I can’t remember what else so someone will need to remind me here). We also have our Pancake Breakfast on the last day before the break.  I hear everyone wears PJ’s that day. 🙂

  • Homework Board:
  • Spelling test on Friday afternoon.
  • Journal should be finished ( Describe your “ideal” school day – include what you think is really important to learn in order to best prepare you for your future)
  • Literature Circle Novels (Sadako, Hiroshima, Number the stars etc.) – These books have to be returned to our district library Monday.  Please do your best to finish your novel and complete the report.  Everyone should select a second paragraph to share in their group meetings. We will have groups present the novel to the rest of the class next week.  We will begin new novels in the middle of January.  Please bring a book for silent reading for the rest of next week and when you come back in January.
  • Don’t forget to bring a picture for Thursday!
Comment on this page if there is other homework you wish to have posted for your classmates. 

Nov. 29


What’s new?  We went to see the Young People’s Concert today at the Michael J. Fox theatre.  It was the first of the series for this year’s  intermediate students. It was called “Fizzical Fizzicks”.  Check out this link to help you remember what you saw:   Talk to your parents about what you saw!  What were the three kinds of motion they talked about? Do you know how to juggle? I thought it was very educational as well as entertaining!

  • Homework board:
  • get your parents to sign your science and math tests
  • spelling test tomorrow
  • grade 5 math test tomorrow (Unit 3 lesson 1-4).  Remember you can still come in tomorrow for extra help if you want
  • sun chips form sent home yesterday
  • some of you may wish to work on S.S.


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Homework board November 2,2012

Many students presented their models of the digestive system today.  They were all very  creative. It was interesting to see what materials they used to represent the many different parts of the digestive system.  We are now beginning to learn about the circulatory system.

  • read 30 minutes everyday
  • complete fact finding sheet for the circulatory system
  • book fair next week:  Monday to Wednesday
  • Don’t forget the time changes this weekend!  Have a great weekend.


Happy Halloween !

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A healthy skeleton!

Who says healthy snacks can’t be fun?  Students were invited to bring fruit and vegetables for our celebration today and it was a great success! The kids came back for 3rd and 4ths! Thanks to all the parents who helped to prepare fruits and vegetables for our class.  This will be an on going theme for the year at all our special celebrations.  I will be asking kids to volunteer goodies for Christmas, Valentines, Easter and the end of the year celebrations.

We did not sign planners today. Have a safe evening.

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