Exploring the concept of immigration – Mrs. Cramb's Class

Exploring the concept of immigration

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Some of our class members had some messages to share .  Please add your own thoughts or messages below.

Circle of hands





15 thoughts on “Exploring the concept of immigration”

  1. Todd Polich says:

    Great Blog.
    I love the images of hands with messages. It really makes these statements personal and sincere.

    Todd Polich

  2. crambl says:

    Dear Div.4. Please let me know your thoughts about the hardships some people have experienced when they came to Canada.

  3. tishma01-44 says:

    Dear Ms. Cramb, I really enjoyed practicing and performing the skits about the early immigrants who came to Canada.I hope we could do more skits through the year.

  4. janeya01-44 says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb
    I really enjoyed learning about immigration.
    My favorite part was when we got to watch the short films. My favorite story in the short films was when a Scottish person in Canada helped a girl who was an orphan, and then a family accepted her.

    I hope we get to watch those again!

    1. crambl says:

      Were you surprised by anything you saw in the videos?

  5. rhea01-44 says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb
    I think that this blog you made is amazing! I admire all the photos and things you placed on this blog. People, (immigrants) must have felt sad and upset being so far from home. But at the same time, look at the new things that could be done; Logging, fishing, and new lands and homes! I think that they had a mixture of feelings inside: Sadness and happiness.

  6. benjamin01-44 says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb,
    I find immigration interesting. Do you have any more papers? If I can, I will tell how my family immigrated to Canada.

    From Benjamin

    1. crambl says:

      Dear Benjamin,
      I would love to hear your story about your family’s experiences immigrating to Canada. Perhaps you can start researching (talk to your family members) and planning what will be important for you to share. Think about how the authors have selected, organized, shared information about famous Canadians in the biography books we have been reading.
      To answer your question about more papers, yes I will be sharing more stories next week. These will include some stories about people escaping the slave trade in the USA.
      What do you think is a common link between all the people who we have heard about?
      Mrs. C

  7. daniel01-44 says:

    I think that people that have immigrated to Canada are really powerful people and have changed Canada in a good way, like how Terry Fox’s family immigrated and Terry Fox grew up and raised money to fight cancer and help cancer research.

  8. corinne01-44 says:

    Dear Mrs. Cramb,
    I enjoyed learning about people immigrating to Canada. My favourite two things were the reading booklets and the little movies. I feel bad for the people who had to suffer racism, head taxes, low pay in jobs, and the worst, leaving their family behind.

    1. crambl says:

      Dear Corinne,
      I’m glad you have found it interesting. I noticed you said you felt bad about what they have experienced, suggesting you think this doesn’t happen anymore. In fact there are lots of people who still suffer in different ways because they come from another country. We have people in our own community who I hope will share their stories.
      Mrs. C

  9. arika01-44 says:

    Dear Mrs.Cramb,
    I enjoyed mostly everything we did on immigration,
    But my favourite part was when we watched and performed our skits.
    We all had different groups from Chinese- French.
    I love to perform, so I hope we get to do lots more acting during the year.


    1. crambl says:

      I enjoyed watching your skits too. We still have much more to learn about different people coming to Canada. There are lots of novels written about the children who came to Canada from many different countries. Check the library to see if you can find any books that interest you in from the “Our Canada” series.

  10. allie01-44 says:

    I really hope that it is possible for the racism to stop because all around the world there are people dying from wars and political laws in that country like girls not going to school, only making 1 dollar per week, not being allowed to play in the parks, and all kinds of horrible things. Mostly, I feel sorry for the Jews during the Holocaust because they were killed by lots of people because of their religion. I also hope that our Earth will be a place for peace.

    1. crambl says:

      Thank you for your thoughts. What do you think children like you and your classmates can do to help stop racism? Do you know what the United Nations are doing towards making the world a better place for everyone?

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