March 29, 2016 – Mrs. Cramb's Class

March 29, 2016

| Posted in Current events

Welcome back from your two week holiday!

We have had a terrific day of learning!  I thought I’d share a few photos as conversation prompts with your children tonight.  When you ask them what they did today, and they answer “nothing” you can use these to help guide their thoughts.

Topics we are exploring now:
Math 5:  Fractions / Equivalent Fractions. Can you name some equivalent fractions for the image below? math fractions
Writing.  Topic: Your choice. 
Goals: 1. Make it interesting
2. Make sure its not confusing.
playground writing
writing outside




Science: Solutions and Mixtures. If you want to check out the video we were watching today click here!  H.W. is to find and make a list of solutions and mixtures at home, and think of an experiment you might like to do.  We will soon be linking this to “body systems” !  Stay tuned.

Today’s homework was to play outside and enjoy the sun, then later read for pleasure!

Don’t forget to bring gym strip everyday.  Track practice is tomorrow 8:05 am.


8 thoughts on “March 29, 2016”

  1. angelina01-15 bbyed says:

    Hi Mrs. C, I loved writing outside.

  2. nathan01-15 bbyed says:

    I loved playing floor hockey today in P.E.

  3. shawn01-15 bbyed says:

    I love equivalent fractions.1\2, 2\4, 4\8, 5\10, and 50\100.

  4. Robin says:

    I really liked doing our work outside today and yesterday.

    1. crambl says:

      Good. It is nice to spend time outside especially when the weather is this nice. Did you find it harder to get comfortable or to concentrate outside? Why or why not?

  5. annika01-15 bbyed says:

    I loved writing outside, it was so peaceful!

  6. Jemma says:

    Yesterday after school I went to the park. I ran to practice Track n’ Field. That H.W was the best I’ve ever gotten in my life!!!

    1. crambl says:

      I’m glad you liked it! You sound like it helped you make a healthy choice. Good for you.

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