Digestive System Project – Mrs. Cramb's Class

Digestive System Project

| Posted in The Scientists corner

To Parents:

I would like to clarify some of the expectations for the project the students are currently working on.  This is just as much about process as final product.  The students have been invited to create a model of the digestive system  using “found” items, or by sketching and colouring or making puzzles. They were all very excited to do this.  We have just completed our first class working on putting the pieces together.  Students brought things such as Styrofoam , tubing, macaroni noodles, felt pens and glue.  I provided many supplies such as poster board, Plasticine and balloons.  They are all very creative.  We have not set a due date yet however, I hope to discuss this with them this week.  We will have more time for creating on Thursday.  Thank you for your support.

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