Division 5 planned and created chalk mandalas this week. When I came across this giant box of 64 different chalk colours, I KNEW we had to do this project!

First, we looked at examples of mandalas and learned that the word “mandala” is Sanskrit for circle. A mandala balances visual elements symbolizing unity and harmony. Then, students worked in small groups to design and plan a mandala on paper. They practiced how to use a compass to draw a circle, and were introduced to the concepts of radius and circumference. Next, we learned how to use a pencil as a centre point, connected to a piece of chalk with string, to recreate our designs on a larger scale outside. Students worked together to create beautiful mandalas. We discussed how this type of art is temporary and becomes a part of the community, enhancing and beautifying the space its in, even if for a short time.

You can check them out before the rain washes them away near the entrance to University Highlands, or enjoy them in perpetuity on this blog!