Hand Signs

On that note (see what I did there!?) here are some great diagrams that you might find helpful to practice your hand signs for Music with Ms. Lo!

This one is easy to see exactly how to hold your hand.

And this one shows us how to change our hand signs as we go up and down to the notes!


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I don’t know about you guys, but Miss Cobbett has been taking the opportunity to sing VERY LOUDLY at home sometimes. There are a few songs I’m enjoying singing right now, but I like to revisit the classics – I think you probably know quite a few of them! 😉

Ms. Lo has a Music blog, and she has a few videos for us to watch and practice! Try and watch these this week, and practice solo in front of a mirror a few times – or maybe make yourself an audience with a couple of stuffed animals! Maybe try teaching to someone else in your house!

(Since we are all in the same class, Grade 1s you can look at the same page as the Grade 2s on Ms. Lo’s blog, or go over to the Grade 1 page – it doesn’t matter!)

I can’t wait to hear how your singing practice goes!!

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May the 4th be with you!

Hi, Team!


If you’re a Star Wars-lover like Miss Cobbett’s brother, then I hope you are spending extra time today appreciating Star Wars! Whether it’s reading a Star Wars book, watching a tv episode or two, or playing out some Star Wars action with your toys, there are lots of ways you can enjoy Star Wars today! You don’t even have to know lots about Star Wars to be able to enjoy the Star Wars jokes today 😉

Here are two nifty craft activities you might want to alter and try! Both use fairly common household items, that could easily be substituted with a little bit of creative thinking!

Here are the instructions for this little cutie! What stories could you tell with a Porg? What else could you make with a similar design? 

Here are the instructions for this cool space craft – but you could easily wrap a toilet paper roll with white paper and decorate it without paint. Who is flying in your space craft? Where are they going? What adventure might happen next? Try writing down your story or telling an adult! 


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Well, team, Miss Cobbett couldn’t even make this blog post on Friday because she was too emotional from the parade, but it was SO AMAZING to see students and families at the FG Parade!! If you have any pictures you’d like to share, please feel free to email them to me! (When you’re driving you aren’t exactly allowed to be on your phone, but I wish I could have taken a million photos of everyone!)

I miss everything about being in the classroom with Div. 11, and it was so nice to get to see some of our class again!! The smiles and the waves and the posters were so appreciated. (Apologies to anyone who saw Miss Cobbett crying – there was a lot of that on Friday for her, haha)

Air hugs to everyone I didn’t get to see – and to everyone I did. Teachers and staff had long chats and text conversations about how much we miss everyone, and how great it was to see so many FG families and familiar faces! We are always thinking about you.

See you Monday 😉

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Townhall for Kids with Dr. Bonnie Henry

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Minister of Education Rob Fleming will be answering questions from children about COVID-19 during a virtual town hall that will be live streamed on News 1130’s Facebook page from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 2.

Details about the event and instructions for children to submit questions can be found on City News and News 1130’s website. This is a good opportunity for families and parents to learn about the pandemic’s impact on children and how to support them through questions submitted by children themselves. Lots of teachers will be tuning in so that we can learn, too!

Do you have any questions you would like to ask Dr. Bonnie Henry? Do you have any questions you would like to ask Miss Cobbett? It’s always good to ask questions, and try to learn information. I am looking forward to learning alongside everyone else, and if anyone wants to email me questions I can make blog posts about, feel free!

Here is a cool video about how we can see washing our hands with soap helps inactivate the coronavirus, and here is how they made the soap membrane!


Categories: P.E. and Health, Science | 1 Comment

Colouring Pages

I want to share a link with you for some beautiful colouring pages put together as a free resource – featuring a lot of local artists. Take a close look at these pages before you start colouring them in – What details do you notice? What story might this picture tell us? 

The pages can be found here to download/print, such as:


Here is a video with one of the artists, Paul Windsor, who lives in Vancouver, talking about the kinds of things that he thinks about when he is making a piece of art.

What do you think he wanted to share with this colouring page? 


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Put Something Silly In!

Today I want to share a fun poem from Shel Silverstein about taking risks and having fun!

What is something really fun you got to do this week? What details would you need to draw in a picture of it? How would you tell it as a story to me if we were sharing in Community Circle? How did you feel when you got to be silly?


On Tuesday my uncle retired from his job as Assistant Fire Chief of West Vancouver, after over 31 years of service. We drove to his house and sat in his carport, eating cupcakes and sitting far away from one another. Even though I couldn’t hug him, I was still able to tell him that I am so proud of him. Here is a video of what we all looked like (my uncle, me, my brother, and my two cousins)(there is no sound to the video), bundled up and playing with balloons! If I wrote a poem about my day, I might say:

Carport Retirement Party!

My brother is six feet and one inch tall

Which doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, at all

Until all of a sudden

I can’t even hug him

And it makes me feel far away.

We’re all here in the driveway

Celebrating a really BIG day

In kind of an unexpected and funny way.

I’m so proud of my uncle and all he has done

And now he is retired he will have lots of fun!

Even though I’m really sad I can’t hug him

He knows how much we all love him

And that we’ll just celebrate again a SECOND TIME

– Without a rhyme – so we can hug and…

maybe still play with balloons!

Think about something YOU would share about your week, and come up with a way of telling your story! Could you act it out with a stuffed animal? Could you create a scene out of Lego? Could you draw it? Think of a way to tell someone about something fun and silly without writing it down using words. Or by writing down your words in a different way? In my poem, I used rhymes and played with making words BIG or sideways to make them stand out. How could you make special words in your story stand out? Can you point out a way special words stand out in a book you are reading? Show someone in your house, or a favourite stuffed animal or toy and get a little silly with it!


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Math Games!

Hi Team! Here are a few fun card games you can work into your Math time this week!

You’ll probably be very familiar with War! This is a fun spin that helps with quite a few of the BC curriculum competencies and content for Grades 1 and 2 – and helps exercise adult brains, too! Another fun way that Div. 11 plays war is having both opponents flip a card, and then quickly add the two card numbers together (or subtract them, depending on which skill you want to play with) and the first person to add them up gets the cards. Students played this against one another, so – adults – take a second to double-check your mental-math and let them practice their math skills!! 😉

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Happy Earth Day!

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day – where we can reflect on the planet we live on, and how we can help it grow the same way it helps us grow. Our Earth has plants, animals, water, air…there are so many different things to take care of! How can we help take care of our Earth? Take some time to talk about what different things needWould a bear need the same things in order to be healthy as a salmon would? What about flowers, what do they need? What is something we can do to help these things? Feel free to write down some of your ideas in your neatest printing, and add some detailed drawings. Maybe you did something today to help the Earth! You could write a journal entry about what you did to help the Earth, and why that matters to you. Doesn’t it feel good to help the planet!?

If you could design a t-shirt to tell other people about helping save our Earth, what would it look like? Would there be a message in words? What colours would you use? What details might your shirt need to show other people what you care about? Here is a template sheet you can use, but if you want to design your own shirt, go ahead! Maybe you want to design a hoodie, instead of a tshirt – or maybe you want a long-sleeve shirt to wear in the winter!! Let your imagination roam free!

Earth Day Tshirt

I am adding a few worksheets you could use. If you can’t print them, you can always make your own using paper or some loose materials! Maybe making letters out of Lego, for example! These are just some options!

Earth Day Ideas

It hasn’t been the greatest weather today, but if you do go outside, look for something you are especially grateful for, and talk about how important it is to our Earth. Today when I was sitting outside I was looking at how pretty some of the flowers are…which made me think about how the bees need those flowers in order to make honey! Nature is very connected, and we talk a lot about those Science connections on our walks in the forest – what do you notice outside? Even from a window, I bet you can see nature!


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A Poem about April

For some poetry this week, I wanted to share this fun poem about the month of April!!

For a creative writing activity this week, consider working together on your own poem about what April is to you! What do you see outside? What does April feel like? What do you notice in nature right now? How are you feeling? Explore with your senses and let your imagination roam!

Have a discussion about Marilyn Singer’s poem. What images do you see as you listen to this poem? Can you see what she means about April being a dog’s dream? 

Happy writing!

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