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Working Out with(out) Miss Cobbett!

Posted by on April 14, 2020

Well, working from home has meant a change in style for Miss Cobbett – so I’ve changed my pictures accordingly! My blog posts are going to be featuring my current work-from-home outfit ~ I’m sure I will be back to my ponytail and sweater soon, though!

For this blog post, I wanted to *get comfortable* and talk a little bit about P.E.!

Div. 11 usually has Gym twice a week, with daily runs and stretches/yoga/dance party/meditation movement breaks. It depends on the day, the weather, the energy levels – you get the picture.

I have made a Choose Your Own Workout printable for students to use, in case you wanted or needed a bit of a P.E. revival!

I have also created a Movement Log for students to fill in and submit at the end of the week, if they want.

If you don’t have access to a printer, but want a physical copy of either or both of these documents, get in touch and I can get a copy to you! If students want to design their own Cool Moves log, they are certainly welcome to!

At the end of the week, students can email me their Cool Moves for their P.E. credits!

Notes for Adults: 

For Grade Ones, this week-long workout log addresses the curriculum Big Idea for Physical Education that: Daily physical activity helps us develop movement skills and physical literacy, and is an important part of healthy living.

For Grade Twos, it addresses the Big Idea for Physical Education that: Daily participation in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels benefits all aspects of our well-being.

For both Grade Ones and Twos, the exercises to choose from in the workouts reflect the BC curriculum for non-locomotor movement (movements performed “on the spot” without travelling across the floor or surface; such as balancing, bending, twisting, lifting) and locomotor movements (movement skills that incorporate travelling across the floor or surface; such as rolling, jumping, hopping, running, galloping).

Notes for Students:

As always, remember to listen to your body, and stay safe. If something is too uncomfortable, or it hurts your body, be gentle with yourself, and don’t push too hard. If you can only do 10 crunches, that’s OK! The more you practice, the easier these actions will be, and soon you’ll be a Pro!

Stay tuned for updates!

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