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first things, first

Posted by on April 11, 2020

Hi, everybody!

Here is a little bit of information about what I am hoping for this blog, and how I am hoping it can be a useful tool! I will be adding posts here regularly, with ideas, activities, photos, crafts, resources, and lessons. By posting everything to one place, I am hoping it will be easier for you to navigate than looking back at emails (I don’t know about you, but I have been receiving over 40 emails every day, from every single business I have ever bought anything from, and it’s getting to be a little too much!).

I will still be emailing out Home Reading Books, and sending things out via email, but this is going to become another instructional space for our class!

Something I am excited about for this space, though, is that I can take a little bit more time to elaborate on the curricular connections to the things I send out! That way, if you’re interested, you can see the learning intentions and goals behind the activities and ideas being shared with you, and how they are connected to the curriculum!

Once I start getting more student work photos, I’ll probably be sharing those, too – so that students can share with each other as well as with you and I.

– Miss Cobbett

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