The Amazing Sled Race!

Dear Students!  

You have now finished reading Stone Fox and you are going to design and build a sled for Little Willy that will go even faster! Please bring building materials, such as large pieces of cardboard and duct tape.  See below for more details!  We will start construction next week!

The Amazing SLED Race

Race date: On a snowy day

Contestants – Students of Division 11 in Ms. Cheng’s and Mr. McKay’s class

Challenge – Design a sled that will carry you safely down a snowy hill

Critical Thinking Questions:

  • How will I design my sled so that it is fast and efficient?
  • How can I make my sled better if it breaks?
  • How can I create a sled that will last me through the winter?
  • How can I create a sled that can be used for other purposes throughout the year?


  • Large cardboard
  • Duct tape
  • Glue (strong glue)
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Paint (supplied by the school)
  • _____________
  • _____________

Language Arts Connection: You have been reading the novel Stone Fox, and the story ends with a dog race.  Little Willy wants to win the race so that he can help his grandfather pay his taxes so that they won’t lose their farm.  Stone Fox wants to win the race so that he can buy back the land that was once belonged to his ancestors.  At the end of this activity, you will  be reflecting on this sled challenge.

Socials Studies Connection: We have been studying the First Nations Culture and we know that sleds were used traditionally as transportation and to carry goods. We also know that Stone Fox is an Aboriginal. Why do you think he wants to gain his land back?

Math Connection: Create a word problem that involves Little Willy.  Use 2-digit addition or 2-digit subtraction to solve the problem.


  • Am I able to use my critical thinking skills to problem solve independently?
  • Did I try to improve my design over and over again to make it better?
  • Is my sled creative?
  • Is my sled something that I would like to show others with pride?

Note: Actual hands-on making of the sled MUST be done at school.  However, brainstorm can be done anywhere, anytime! Good luck!

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