Reflections on Tennis Lessons – by Eva & Liliana – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Reflections on Tennis Lessons – by Eva & Liliana

EVA: We had five tennis lessons with Marcus. I like that rally game and hitting the ball with a racket. It was so much fun. I didn’t give up. I said I can’t do it yet so if you keep trying. That helps you grow. I thought I can not do the rolling the ball in the racket but when I kept trying I finally did it. I had so much fun. I appreciate Marcus for teaching us tennis. I had so much fun playing tennis. It was super super fun playing tennis.

LILIANA: I like tennis because I love to play games. What I find frustrating was the ball ran away a lot. In tennis, I feel like my growth grew more. When we were playing games, it was fun but it was hard to get started but I said to myself I can’t do it yet. It helped so so much. Tennis was a little hard because I couldn’t catch the ball. I appreciate that Marcus taught me to play tennis well.

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