Reflections on Orange Shirt Day – by Kiana & Lucas C. – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Reflections on Orange Shirt Day – by Kiana & Lucas C.

Here are a couple examples of our reflections after reading and discussing The Orange Shirt Story.

Kiana: The story is about a girl who was really excited to go to school but when she gets there she feels lonely and sad. At the school they cut her hair short and gave her terrible food and not enough food. We acknowledge Orange Shirt Day to remember to treat people equally and to remember to not make the same mistake. It’s important to remember so you can always remember to treat others equally. It makes me feel sad because others were treated so badly just because they were a little different. I feel really lucky to have a school to go to and go back home every day.

Lucas C.: Phyllis was a First Nation’s kid who went to residential school. We acknowledge Orange Shirt Day because when it was Phyllis’ birthday, her granny gave her an orange shirt and when school started, she thought of bringing it to school. right when the people brought Phyllis in, they brought her to have a shower. She did not want to take the shirt off and never wear it again but the people still did not care. It is important because we do not want anybody in the world to get trapped in school. I feel sad about the people who were trapped in school for ten months because they never saw heir parents for a long time. I appreciate this school for letting us go to our houses after school and for letting us have our own lunch and snacks and thank you for not giving us tasteless food.

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