Creative story writing by Ana and Anna – Ms. Chan's Class Blog

Creative story writing by Ana and Anna

Story by Ana: Deep Deep Snow!

After a few days, the snow became even deeper! The snow reached the top of the royal castle. The queen was getting really really worried! What if the kids in every country never go to school because of the snow? What if the people ran out of food and clothes? What if they died!?! Oh what could the poor queen possibly do? The snow was too deep for anyone to even dare to go out. then an idea came in her mind! She could put lots and lots of pots at the windows so the snow could melt. But no, she didn’t have enough pots to melt that much snow. So she decided to put mirrors around the castle in the snow so the sun can reflect and melt all the snow around it. So the queen ordered her guards to take all the mirrors in the castle and put them all outside. They did as planned. All the mirrors were put outside and not long after that the snow began to melt! All the people were very happy they could finally see sunlight. So the queen got a big medal made all of gold. And they lived happily ever after.

A story by Anna: The Three Flamingos 

Once upon a time, the three flamingos were heading to their house. The baby flamingo said in a squeaky voice, “Mom, Dad, I’m hungry!” The mama flamingo said, “We could eat that yummy fish soup.” “No! It’s too gross and yucky,” said the baby flamingo, flapping her fluffy wings. Papa flamingo cried with his big voice, “I agree. Let’s just go hunt some shrimp.” So the flamingo family headed back to their favourite hunting place. The yummy shrimp lake.

A girl was walking past the three flamingo’s house and she wondered and wondered, “Who lives in that house?” and she knocked on the door, “Blam, blam, blam, blam, blam,” but no one answered. The girl needed to go to the bathroom so bad and she couldn’t hold it anymore. So she kicked open the door and hurried to the flamingo family’s bathroom. The girl’s forehead was sweaty. There were three toilets in the bathroom. There were the giant, blue toilet, medium sized white toilet, and teeny tiny yellow toilet. The girl first sat on the giant toilet. “Aah!” she cried. It was too big! She almost sank into the toilet. She sat on the medium sized toilet, “Ouch!” she yelped with her high, squeaky voice. It was too hard! She sat on the teeny tiny toilet. It was just right.

Some moments later, the girl came out of the bathroom. She took a tour around the house and she saw the yucky and gross fish soup but it looked yummy to her. There were three different bowls of soup. The large wood one, middle sized glass one, and the tiny cute one. First, the girl took a sip of soup from the large bowl. “Owww,” the girl shouted so loudly. “Too hot!” Next, she ate from the middle sized bowl, “Eeww! Too cold!” she said with a furrowed brow. Next, she took a sip from the tiny cute bowl. She smiled and mumbled, “Yum! Just right and the spoon is just the right size.” The soup was very yummy to the girl. She ate it all up.

She was kind of sleepy when she ate it all so went to the bedroom. There were three different beds, the large one, the medium one with flowers on it and the small one with a teddy bear on it. First the girl lied on the large one and said, “Eeww! There’s too many feathers on here!” She jumped out of bed and shook her body just to make sure there were no feathers on her. Next, she jumped on the medium sized one with flowers on it. Whoosh! She could hardly breathe in the big fluffy pillow. She moved to the small one with the teddy bear on it. She lied on the small one and thought, “Ahh… It’s so soft and the right size!” and she went fast asleep. 

Some minutes later, the flamingo family came back. The big papa flamingo yelled with anger, “Someone sat on my toilet!” Mama flamingo yelled with sadness, “Oh my gosh! Someone sat on my lovely toilet!” Baby flamingo said in a surprising voice, “someone sat on my yellow toilet too!” They headed to the kitchen. The papa flamingo yelled in his big, spooky voice, “Someone tasted my soup!” Mama flamingo shouted in her high voice, “Mine, too!” The baby flamingo whispered, “Thank goodness someone ate my soup all up! I don’t need to eat it!” 

They went to the bedroom and papa flamingo growled, “Someone lied on my bed!” Mama flamingo screamed, “Aaah!! Someone got my pillow crumbled up!” Baby flamingo yelled, “Aaaaaahhh!!! Someone slept on my bed and here she is!”

The girl woke up because of the noise and ran out of the house. She didn’t hear but the baby flamingo was yelling, “Thanks for eating my yucky and gross soup all up! I will never forget you! Come back next time!”

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