Welcome to Term 2!
Please see attached for the revised music leadership job lists and schedules.
Please remember to come on your scheduled times. Attendance is mandatory!
Q: What is TP music leadership?
A: Students demonstrating the 5 core music values:
- empathy
- commitment
- consistency
- positivity
- leadership
For all grade 6/7 students wanting to be a part of music leadership at Taylor Park this year, please respond in writing to the following questions and submit your printed sheet to Ms. Chang and Ms. H’s box by 3 pm on Monday, September 30.
- Why do you want to be in TP music leadership?
- How are you going to consistently demonstrate to the music teachers throughout the year that this is going to be a priority?
- What is your vision at Taylor Park for music? What would make you proud at the end of the year?
- What is it about your personality and character that you can offer to the music program?
- How would you deal with conflict?
- Which part(s) (rock band, dance squad, tech, stage crew) are you wanting to join and why?