
Hello everyone and welcome to our one-stop-shop site for all things related to Gilpin, Douglas Road, and Strings Music for this time of social distancing and eLearning. I have created this site in hopes of providing resources and learning activities to keep students of all grade levels learning and enjoying music. I will be posting more and more info and activities on each sections. Here are some of the basics on how to navigate through the site.

Please navigate to the grade level you are in. Even if you are in a Gr. 3/4 class, if you are in Grade 3,  please look underneath the Gr. 2/3 menu and if you are Grade 4, please look under the Gr. 4/5 menu. Same with if you are Gr. 1 or 2. Thank you.

For my Gilpin students, please create a booklet to put all music related activities in one place, almost like a musical journal of your everyday life.