Create your own music!

Here is a program that is fun to use to create songs. You can either download the app or play around with it online. Feel free to send me some of the songs you are proud of creating! Please feel free to do them at your own pace or not at all if things get too overwhelming. The activity is meant to be fun and entertaining, and not as a stress factor.

Make your own instrument!

Hi everyone! I hope you have all had a great Easter long weekend! Here is an activity you can do with your parents and family when you have the time. The activity this time does require some props. Please feel free to do them at your own pace or not at all if things get too overwhelming. The activity is meant to be fun and entertaining, and not as a stress factor.

Make a musical instrument #1 – A Shaker

Materials you will need:
A clean and dry small plastic bottle (like a juice bottle)
A piece of paper
Dried beans, lentils, popcorn or rice
A funnel
Tape or white glue and water
A paintbrush (if using white glue and water)
Markers or crayons
A ruler

Make sure your bottle is clean and dry. Take the label off of the bottle.
Use the funnel to fill it up with beans, lentils, popcorn or rice. Something that will make a sound when you shake the bottle. Only fill it about 1/8th of the way.
Put the lid back on tightly.
Shake the bottle to make sure it sounds like you want it to. Add or take out some of the beans or whatever you used to get the best sound.
To decorate the bottle, draw and colour on a piece of paper using crayons or markers – make small pictures of things that you like.
Cut the paper to the right size to fit around the bottle.
If you used marker, tape the paper on the bottle on one side, then wrap the paper around the bottle and tape it on the other side. You are done!
If you used crayons or want to decoupage an already make picture on your bottle (from a magazine or something), mix the white glue ½ and ½ with water well.
Put some white glue mixer on the bottle. Stick the paper on to the white glue mixture on the bottle and then cover the paper with the white glue mixture. Do this to the paper all around the outside of the bottle until it is all stuck. Let dry overnight. Then you are done!
To decorate the bottle, you could alternately stick stickers around the outside if you wish.

Here are some more instruments you could make, if you want to try another one or would rather build one of these instruments!

Make your own instrument!

Getting Started

Hello everyone! Welcome to the newly created blog for all my students! As we are navigating through so many new experiences, I’d like firstly say that if you have questions, comments, or even just wish to chat, please don’t hesitate to contact me at my email I do check my emails quite regularly everyday so if you’d like to get in contact with me, that would probably be the easiest way. I will also be collaborating with your home room teachers and setting up a band group in Microsoft 356 Teams.

Now, I’d like to explain how and what our lessons will look like for the foreseeable future. Again, this is probably going to be a rough draft of what’s going to happen. I am also navigating through new waters so please bare with me.

  1. I have set up a class account for Level 1 and Level 2’s separately on a website called SmartMusic. You will be given assignments and music from the website.
  2. Every week, I will assign pages and workouts to practice at home. Some of the music online will have accompaniments you can play along with.
  3. Please submit a recording of the assignments at the end of each week. You only need to submit 1 recording of each exercise. You can submit your recordings through 2 different ways. On SmartMusic, you can record straight from the website or you can use your phone or any other recording devices to record and email me your recordings.
  4. I will use this site as my announcement site for weekly activities as well as giving out assignments on SmartMusic.
  5. I am also still navigating through SmartMusic and will not be giving out assignments until the week of April 6th at the earliest.

Now I will walk you through how to log in and set up your account on SmartMusic.

  1. Please set up your account and login through this website.
  2. Please click on “I am a student. I need to join a class.”
  3. Please input your school email (eg. For the password, please but your last name followed by the first letter of your first name. Ex. changl That way, you are less likely to forget  your password.
  4. The class code for Level 1 students is: AE3P7-JWKZP
  5. The class code for Level 2 students is: HL3PR-EDZEH
  6. Please input the information asked and you should be able to join the class.
  7. Please don’t hesitate to email me if you need more help on how to log in.

April 6th – 9th

Hi everyone! The SmartMusic classes are up and running! I have put a few assignments in for this week, just to check in with everyone and to make sure you are all signed up. For those of you who has access to an iPad, I would recommend downloading the app as it seems to be easier to navigate. Please try to record 1 assignment this week just so I can check and see how it works. By the end of the week, I’d like everyone to be signed up, and submit 1 recording of your choice. Thank you everyone and happy practicing!

Getting Started

Hello everyone! Welcome to the newly created blog for all my students! As we are navigating through so many new experiences, I’d like firstly say that if you have questions, comments, or even just wish to chat, please don’t hesitate to contact me at my email I do check my emails quite regularly everyday so if you’d like to get in contact with me, that would probably be the easiest way. I will also be collaborating with your home room teachers and setting up a band group in Microsoft 356 Teams.

Now, I’d like to explain how and what our lessons will look like for the foreseeable future. Again, this is probably going to be a rough draft of what’s going to happen. I am also navigating through new waters so please bare with me.

  1. I have set up a class account on a website called SmartMusic. You will be given assignments and music from the website.
  2. Every week, I will assign pages and workouts to practice at home. Some of the music online will have accompaniments you can play along with.
  3. Please submit a recording of the assignments at the end of each week. You only need to submit 1 recording of each exercise. This will then count towards your completion marks. You can submit your recordings through 2 different ways. On SmartMusic, you can record straight from the website or you can use your phone or any other recording devices to record and email me your recordings.
  4. I will use this site as my announcement site but our regular day-to-day communications will be from both Microsoft365 team as well as SmartMusic.
  5. I am also still navigating through SmartMusic and will not be giving out assignments until starting next week, April 6th.

Now I will walk you through how to log in and set up your account on SmartMusic.

  1. Please set up your account and login through this website.
  2. Please click on “I am a student. I need to join a class.”
  3. Please input your school email or whichever email you use for Microsoft 356 Team as well as the same password. That way, you will be less likely to forget the password.
  4. The class code is JFXPM-UDWWE.
  5. Please input the information asked and you should be able to join the class.
  6. Please don’t hesitate to email me if you need more help on how to log in.


  1. Can you write about one of your favorite songs and why it’s one of your favorite songs? Can you talk about elements of music such as pitch (high/low), tempo (allegro/largo), and dynamics (forte/piano)?
  2. Can you go outside on a sunny day and lay down on the ground? What do you hear around you? Can you write down some of the sounds you hear and what emotions you feel as you hear each of the sounds? Can you talk about elements such as pitch (high/low), tempo (allegro/largo), and dynamics (forte/piano)?
  3. Can you pick a favorite musical artist to listen to? What do you like about their music? Their lyrics, their beats, their melody or harmony?

Please put your writing into a binder specified for music. Every week, I’ll be giving out new activities and assignments. A good idea is to regularly do them each week and put any additional paperwork into the binder. Please put your name and date on each assignment. 


  1. Can you write about one of your favorite songs and why it’s one of your favorite songs? Can you talk about elements of music such as pitch (high/low), tempo (allegro/largo), and dynamics (forte/piano)?
  2. Can you go outside on a sunny day and lay down on the ground? What do you hear around you? Can you write down some of the sounds you hear and what emotions you feel as you hear each of the sounds? Can you talk about elements such as pitch (high/low), tempo (allegro/largo), and dynamics (forte/piano)?
  3. Can you pick a favorite musical artist to listen to? What do you like about their music? Their lyrics, their beats, their melody or harmony?

Please put your writing into a binder specified for music. Every week, I’ll be giving out new activities and assignments. A good idea is to regularly do them each week and put any additional paperwork into the binder. Please put your name and date on each assignment. 


  1. Can you sing at least three of the Primary Days of Music songs unaccompanied and without seeing the words?
  2. Can you make up your own short melody to sing using the word “la”? Can you sing your melody while walking on the beat and clapping the rhythm?
  3. Can you write about one of your favorite songs and why it’s one of your favorite songs? Can you talk about elements of music such as pitch (high/low), tempo (fast/slow), and dynamics (loud/soft)?

Please put your writing into a binder specified for music. Every week, I’ll be giving out new activities and assignments. A good idea is to regularly do them each week and put any additional paperwork into the binder. Please put your name and date on each assignment. 


  1. Can you find at least five things in your home that make high sounds, and at least five things that make low sounds?
  2. Can you collect sounds from things in your home to help make music to go with one of your favorite stories? Can you tell the story and make the sounds?
  3. Can you pick three songs and listen to the songs while putting the beat into your feet, hands, and head?

In the future, there may be some paperwork as well. Please put your writing into a binder specified for music. Every week, I’ll be giving out new activities and assignments. A good idea is to regularly do them each week and put any additional paperwork into the binder. Please put your name and date on each assignment.