New Seesaw Platform

Dear beloved students and families,

This message is for all my primary students at Gilpin Elementary School. As I have slowly been introduced to new possibilities and ways of learning, I have collaborated with the primary teachers and we have established that using SeeSaw for all your schoolwork and activities may be the best option. Therefore, (with the exception of Ms. Song’s Grade 3/4 class. Ms. Song’s class will get activities through Teams) Div. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 music activities have all been moved to SeeSaw. Please look forward to music activities there.

Thank you very much!

MUSICPLAY High and Low

Hi everyone!

Right before Spring Break, we were training our ears for high and low sounds (Sol and Mi). This week’s activity is going to be listening activities! We will be looking at Music Play and practicing listening ears. There are 4 different activities and I can explain each one. You can practice 1 activity a day.

MUSICPLAY Link for High and low

01. Same or Different – Press the Play button and 2 sounds will appear. Click on Same if you think it sounds the same or Different, if you think the 2 sounds sound different.

02. Hunt for High or Low – H stands for High and L stands for Low. Drag the H letter toward the note that looks higher. Drag the L toward the note that looks lower.

03. Color Higher or Lower – Works almost same as 02. Hunt for High or Low. Color the high notes. You may have to full screen to see the colors on the bottom of the screen.

04. Which Way do the Notes Go? – Press the Play button and 2 sounds will appear. It will either sound from a High note to a Low note. Or a Low note to a High note.

I often play similar games during class times so I hope these games will keep you all entertained! Happy listening everyone!


Make your own instrument!

Hi everyone! I hope you have all had a great Easter long weekend! Here is an activity you can do with your parents and family when you have the time. The activity this time does require some props. Please feel free to do them at your own pace or not at all if things get too overwhelming. The activity is meant to be fun and entertaining, and not as a stress factor.

Make a musical instrument #1 – A Shaker

Materials you will need:
A clean and dry small plastic bottle (like a juice bottle)
A piece of paper
Dried beans, lentils, popcorn or rice
A funnel
Tape or white glue and water
A paintbrush (if using white glue and water)
Markers or crayons
A ruler

Make sure your bottle is clean and dry. Take the label off of the bottle.
Use the funnel to fill it up with beans, lentils, popcorn or rice. Something that will make a sound when you shake the bottle. Only fill it about 1/8th of the way.
Put the lid back on tightly.
Shake the bottle to make sure it sounds like you want it to. Add or take out some of the beans or whatever you used to get the best sound.
To decorate the bottle, draw and colour on a piece of paper using crayons or markers – make small pictures of things that you like.
Cut the paper to the right size to fit around the bottle.
If you used marker, tape the paper on the bottle on one side, then wrap the paper around the bottle and tape it on the other side. You are done!
If you used crayons or want to decoupage an already make picture on your bottle (from a magazine or something), mix the white glue ½ and ½ with water well.
Put some white glue mixer on the bottle. Stick the paper on to the white glue mixture on the bottle and then cover the paper with the white glue mixture. Do this to the paper all around the outside of the bottle until it is all stuck. Let dry overnight. Then you are done!
To decorate the bottle, you could alternately stick stickers around the outside if you wish.

Here are some more instruments you could make, if you want to try another one or would rather build one of these instruments!

Make your own instrument!


  1. Can you find at least five things in your home that make high sounds, and at least five things that make low sounds?
  2. Can you collect sounds from things in your home to help make music to go with one of your favorite stories? Can you tell the story and make the sounds?
  3. Can you pick three songs and listen to the songs while putting the beat into your feet, hands, and head?

In the future, there may be some paperwork as well. Please put your writing into a binder specified for music. Every week, I’ll be giving out new activities and assignments. A good idea is to regularly do them each week and put any additional paperwork into the binder. Please put your name and date on each assignment.