MUSICPLAY High and Low

Hi everyone!

Right before Spring Break, we were training our ears for high and low sounds (Sol and Mi). This week’s activity is going to be listening activities! We will be looking at Music Play and practicing listening ears. There are 4 different activities and I can explain each one. You can practice 1 activity a day.

MUSICPLAY Link for High and low

01. Same or Different – Press the Play button and 2 sounds will appear. Click on Same if you think it sounds the same or Different, if you think the 2 sounds sound different.

02. Hunt for High or Low – H stands for High and L stands for Low. Drag the H letter toward the note that looks higher. Drag the L toward the note that looks lower.

03. Color Higher or Lower – Works almost same as 02. Hunt for High or Low. Color the high notes. You may have to full screen to see the colors on the bottom of the screen.

04. Which Way do the Notes Go? – Press the Play button and 2 sounds will appear. It will either sound from a High note to a Low note. Or a Low note to a High note.

I often play similar games during class times so I hope these games will keep you all entertained! Happy listening everyone!


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