Here is a mess free way to paint.  Add a few tablespoons of paint into a ziplock bag.  This is a sandwich size bag.  You can even try a larger freezer bag style for a larger surface area.  Make sure it’s zipped up.  You can add tape to the opening end for extra security.  Let your child squeeze, press, smoosh and mix the paint without getting their fingers and hands messy.

What will happen if these colours mix?

I wonder what this looks like, what do you see?

How does it feel?

What happens if….?


Another adaptation is to tape it up onto a window.  Let your child explore how the light shines through the paint.  Does it look different?  What happens to the paint being taped up like this?

Painting with Q tips!

All you need is paint, ice cube tray or egg carton and Q tips.  What can you create with dots?  This is a great activity for developing children’s fine motor skills and eye hand coordination alongside their creativity and imagination.

If you are hesitant to let your child paint at home, you can lay down a garbage bag to make it an easy clean up.  Use little portions of paint to start.  Let your child wear an old T-shirt and have a cloth on hand for a quick cleanup.  Have fun with mixing colours and see what you can create together.