Ms. Carley's Classroom Blog

Sharing our Learning in Division 12

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How do we preserve the harvest?


At University Highlands, we are so fortunate to have a beautiful school community garden. On Monday, Sept. 16th, Div. 4 had our first gardening session with Pablo and the Roots2Grow Program. We explored how garden produce (fruits, veggies and herbs) can be preserved. In particular we focused on dehydration methods.  We also harvested vegetables, tilled garden beds, planted cool season crops, and even created our own salads out of the beautiful vegetables we harvested. On Tuesday, we shared a giant zucchini we found in our garden with the school! We are looking forward to our next garden day in October! 

BC’s First Fair Trade School

Congratulations for being designated BC’s first “Fair Trade School”, University Highlands! A small group of students accepted the award on behalf our green team and school at the Street Fest opening ceremonies. Then fair trade committee members spent part of their afternoon volunteering at a Fair Trade booth in collaboration with SFU Fair Trade ambassador, Elysha Fong. 

Read more here:


Welcome to Division Four!

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Division 4 community! We have a very exciting year ahead of us. Our goals for this year are community, collaboration, and creativity. The learning in our class will take place across curricular areas, and is based on inquiry, experience, and exploration. We will be taking our learning outside and on field experiences quite often, so please ensure your children bring appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather each day.

We will be using our classroom blog as one of our communication tools this year. Here you can find snapshots of our journey and materials to support learning at home. Please check the blog on a regular basis, or subscribe to our newsletter for updates about our class community.

There will be many opportunities for you to be involved in your child’s learning and in our classroom community, by accompanying us on field experiences, spending time in the classroom and garden, and joining us in celebrating our accomplishments. Please let me know if you would like to share your time or your expertise with our class!

I am looking forward to getting to know your child and your family as we spend this year together. Please feel free to come say hello before or after school. For a longer conversation, please email or call me to arrange a time. I can be reached by phone at 604-296-9036 or by email at We will be having Parents As Partners Conference meetings on Sept. 25th and Sept. 26th, and I look forward to seeing you then, if not sooner!

All the best,

Ms. Carley

Thank You and Best Wishes for Summer!

Dear Families of Division 4, 

We have come to the end of a wonderful school year! Thank you so much for sharing your stories and experiences with our class. Thank you for making this year special by celebrating with us, joining us on field trips, teaching us new things, and connecting us with new experiences. 

Thank you for your notes of appreciation, hugs, and conversations, especially in these last few weeks. 

A reminder to please help your children to ensure they have saved their google classroom documents to a home computer or USB, as our school district is moving away to Outlook 365 and will be removing all Google Classroom accounts. 

I will be sharing a few more photos with families in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, enjoy a few canoeing photos. A special thanks to all our photographers as well! Please feel welcome to save any of the photos off the blog. I will leave it up for the rest of the summer. 

Wishing you all a wonderful, restful summer, and I look forward to seeing some of you during summer session!

With gratitude and love, 

Ms. Carley 





Celebrating Leadership in Our Class Community

Your children were involved in many clubs this year and deserve recognition for the amazing work they did!

Green Team were celebrated by the City of Burnaby for the amazing work they did in creating change in our community. We even made the front of the Burnaby School District website, along with other inspiring Burnaby students!


Our Diversity Club paved the way for other schools around the district and province, in creating safe and inclusive spaces that value equity and diversity. Several other schools have been inspired to create diversity clubs next year! 

Our Homework Club came together and created a unique community of students excited to learn and push  their learning and themselves to new heights!

Our Primary Lunch monitors helped to mentor younger students during lunch hour through their kindness and responsibility. 

Congratulations on your incredible service, enthusiasm, commitment, and dedication to our community!

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