Ms. Carley's Classroom Blog

Sharing our Learning in Division 12

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Friday, May 22nd

Good morning, Div.  4,

Today, you can join our read aloud of Wishtree at either 9:15am or 1:00pm! We will be reading the same chapters, but with 2 options for times!

Today is Burnaby’s IDAHAT Reimagined Event! It will be from 10:00-11:30 and you can join in any time at this link. One of the guest speakers is author, Robin Stevenson. We will be reading one of her beautiful books during the next few weeks called, Ghost’s Journey: A Refugee. 

Today’s STEM/Writing activity is a Miniature Adventure! Check out Teams for the description!

Check out some Div. 4 creators from previous weeks!


Thursday, May 21st

Good morning, Div. 4!

Hope you are having a lovely start to the day.

Today, there is a live broadcast of Mystery Science with a NASA astronaut happening at 10am! You can watch it here: 

We have a new figurative language assignment posted! See how you can find figurative language in your book club books! Try and read today for 30 minutes or more! 

 You can check your math teams for a new assignment! 

 Your teachers will be at the school today, so we might take a little longer than usual to get back to you. Please be patient, try your best to problem solve, and help your classmates. 

Can you get outside in the sunshine today?

Wednesday, May 20th

Good morning,  Div. 4 Scientists!

Unfortunately, this morning’s read aloud needs to be cancelled, but we will still have on Friday at 1pm!

 Your science mystery for today is can animals laugh?  

  1. Watch the video! 
  2.  Answer the reflection questions form on teams!  
  3. Try an extension: 
    • Try this experiment. Tell a friend a joke — and laugh out loud when you get to the funny part. Now tell another friend the same joke — but don’t laugh. Scientists say that people often laugh when they see someone else laughing. Do you think scientists are right about that? (If you need a joke, here’s our favorite: What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? (A carrot).) 

 You can check out our next figurative language lesson: hyperboles! 


Last Sunday, May 17th was International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia Day (IDAHAT Day). Usually Burnaby School District hosts an IDAHAT breakfast, which UHE’s diversity club got to attend. This year, the event is virutal and open to all K-12 students and families. This year’s IDAHAT Reimagined event will be May 22nd from 10-11:30. Please see the IDAHAT Reimagined Invitation for more information and how to register. Please feel free to share this letter with anyone.  

Tuesday, May 19th

Good Morning, Div. 4, 

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and had a chance to get outside!

Today we have our class meeting for all that can attend on Zoom at 11am. Please check the post on Teams for more information! 

It’s Tuesday, so that means you can continue to work on your Inquiry project or passion project. I’m just finalizing a checklist for you, look for that to be added to the 4th assignment shortly.  

Make sure you check out your grade specific math team for your next math assignment!  

I loved receiving your letters! Please make sure you send your letter today if you haven’t already! Then, check your inbox for a response from me 🙂

Lastly, there is a free broadcast of a new family opera, Flight of the Hummingbird on today at 10 am. It is 45 minutes long. It is a beautiful story and I can’t wait to see it performed in a new way! 

This is presented by Pacific Opera Victoria and Vancouver Opera. You can watch here:

Before the opera, you can watch the animated video to understand the story (you might have heard Ms. Carley read this story already):  

After you watch the opera, here are some activities for you to do, scroll down to the “Post- show activities”. There is a story activity, visual art activity, dance activity, and music activity. 

Friday, May 15th

Tayvian's Flower Art Tayvian's Flower Photo

Good Morning, Div. 4!

Just a reminder that today is a pro d day and Monday is a holiday! But feel free to ask me questions if you have them and I will get back to you as soon as I can 🙂

Thanks for sending in your gorgeous Georgia O’Keeffe inspired art, Tayvian!

Hope you all have a beautiful weekend,

Ms. Carley

Thursday, May 14th!

Good morning, Div. 4!
Welcome to a new day! Tomorrow is a pro d day, and Monday is a holiday, so I included a few longer activities for you that you might want to continue over the next few days!
This morning at 11:00am is book club on the general channel! We are discussing A Boy Called Bat!
I have a letter writing activity for you that you can find on the teams assignment page. I would like you to get more familiar writing emails from your school district email! I look forward to hearing from you 🙂
Thirdly, we also have a new art activity:
Today, we are going to start an exploration of a famous artist, Georgia O’Keeffe.
Creating art in the style of Georgia O’Keefe:
  • Either find a photo online, or take your own photo of a flower (or choose one of her paintings to re-create)
  • Zoom waaaay in (bug’s eye view!) to find the subject for your art. If you took a photo, you can literally zoom in. If you have an image, you can frame it, like this image from “The Helpful Art Teacher”
  • Don’t include the stems or background in your art
  • Try to make sure the petals of the flower touch many edges
  • Draw in pencil first! Then colour with the medium of your choice (pencil crayon, pastel, water colour, paint)

Here are a few directed art videos in her style, in case you want a little more support:

Hope you have a wonderful long weekend!

Love, Ms. Carley

Wednesday, May 13th

Good morning, Div. 4!

Join us for a Wishtree read aloud today at 10:00am! Everyone is welcome! Remember, you can catch up on missed chapters in the “Message and Story Recordings” channel on teams!

Here is our week’s mystery science: How is Glass Made?. It is a mini science with some neat bonuses, two that relate to our recent wonders about volcanoes!

  1. Watch video 
  2. Watch bonuses 
  3. Do the online reflection form! 
  4. Try an extension, if you can! 


After you watch, you could try one (or both) of these activities:

  • There is an experiment you can do at bonus #1, but you will need an adult because it involves fire!
  • Go on a glass “scavenger hunt” in your home. You likely have windows made of glass, but what else? How many different glass objects can you find? How do you know that they’re all glass? Write or draw at least three things you notice that all of these objects have in common. Write or draw at least three things that are different about the objects.

Check out your math team for a new activity posted today!

Are you ready for book club tomorrow? We will have a book club meeting for A Boy Called Bat  on Thursday at 11:00am. We will add new meetings next Thursday for Three on Three by Eric Walters and Rise Up: Ordinary Kids with Extraordinary Stories by Amanda Li next week! Which meeting will you join? Try to bring an inference, connection, wonder, or idea to share!

Tuesday, May 12th – Zoom Class Meeting!

Good morning Div. 4,

Today we have our weekly class meeting on Zoom at 11! It will be on Tuesdays from now on. If you can, please bring something that you would like to share with the class – maybe it is art, creations, inquiry findings, book you are reading! You can share this week or next (or both!).

Did anyone find any frog leaf yesterday? It was a nice day to explore outside!

All of your lovely rainbows have been put together into a slideshow with the rainbows from the rest of the school – with some special messages from staff as well! The rainbows are a symbol of joy, connection and hope! Click here to check it out The UHE Rainbow Connection Project!

What will your shape of the day be? 

Today you can continue to work on your inquiry research! Remember that assignment #3 has guiding questions that are just to start you off. If you have other interests or wonders about your country keep researching and finding information that you’re curious about!

Assignment #4 is now up for your inquiry where you can start to take your research and put it in your own words to create your PowerPoint. Even if you are in the middle of your research you can still start your PowerPoint!

If you are working on your own passion project, feel free to make it in there, or share a new power point with me!

As always, if you need any support or have any questions you can ask your peers on the support channel or message me in our private channel!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 11th – Plant Mondays

Good morning, Div. 4,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating the amazing people in your lives.

Well-being & Connection

You can join us for our Wishtree read aloud, happening at 11:00am on the general channel! Everyone is welcome. If you missed one or two of the previous sessions, you can catch up by listening to the recording on the “Message and Read aloud recordings” channel. Or, you can just start listening from today!

This week’s plant is frog leaf, also known as plantain. This is another simple one. You will have to look closely at the leaves, but you will soon realize that you have seen this plant around quite a bit. Can you see why it is called a frog leaf? Although it was not originally from North America, this plant lived and shared so harmoniously, that people often think that it has always belonged here. It has a home here now. Here is a guide from Lori Snyder explaining traditional understandings of frog leaf.

Here is a video to help you identify and learn about one of the ways you frogleaf has been traditionally used by the Squamish First Nations:


If you visit your math team, you will find a new lesson and activity!


Thirdly, we will be extending our book club books! Here are some more books you can choose, found on Epic books:

Happy reading 🙂

Friday, May 8th – Happy Mother’s Day!

Jesse's Baby & Mama Eagle nest

Good Morning Div. 4!

It was so lovely to connect with all of you during our class meeting on Zoom yesterday! I miss seeing all your smiling faces! Please feel welcome to join us for a check in and read aloud today at 10:00am on the Teams General Channel.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and I want to take a moment to appreciate all the mothers, grandmothers, aunties, and other amazing women out there in our community. Thank you for all the things you do. You are so appreciated by your community. <3

We have had such a full week of connection, exploration, and adventure. Please do what is a good fit for your family today.


Today you might choose to work on the new Figurative Language #2 assignment focusing on Metaphors! Can you figure out what the differences between similes and metaphors are? How can you incorporate metaphors into your writing?  Can you add some to your special project for this Sunday?


Maybe you want to try Gerry’s salt dough recipe to help you create a special gift for this weekend! You can bake it an paint after! Thanks for sharing this great idea, Gerry!

STEM in Everyday Life: Video Contest

I wanted to let you know about a special STEAM Video Challenge that the Burnaby School District is doing! Here are the details below. This is completely optional but we wanted to let you know about it!

Explore an event, object or idea in your everyday life through a “STEM lens” in an engaging video using your tablet or phone.

Weekend Sunshine!

Don’t forget about the special day this Sunday!  How can you share your appreciation? (There are a few ideas for you on Teams!)

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine!   

Love, Ms. Carley

P.S. Thanks for inspiring your class with your art, Div. 4!

Logan's Corgi Art Caden's Hyena Art Logan's Eagle Art Nolan's Darth Vadar Art Nolan's Yoda Art

Caden's Yoda Creation!

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