Good Morning Div. 4!

I am really looking forward to our Zoom Class meeting today at 11:00am! I hope you can join us!

Today is Child and Youth Mental Health dayEspecially during these hard times where we are separated from our classmates, friends and loved ones it’s really important we check in to see how we are feeling. It is also important to remember that there are so many people in our communities that care about us, even during this time of social distancing.


Spending a few minutes each day reflecting and being mindful can help you feel better. Today we will be continuing our Mindfulness Journal that we will share new ideas to add each week. Some days you will find prompts to write a little, draw a little, or just practice some breathing. 

Art  & Poetry

Check out teams for some links to some wonderful art and poetry activities to help you prepare for a special day that is coming up this weekend… 🙂

Check out these amazing innovators, artists, bakers, and scientists!

Baking Extravaganza by Gerry! Gerry's Dandelion Exploration!

Hana's Dream Room!