Sierra & Brodie's mural Hana's rainbow map Yewon's rainbow cranes

Good morning, Div. 4!

Was everyone able to find my hidden rainbow message? Let me know if you need another clue!

Here are a few activities to inspire your week. Please send me some photos of the activities you are doing so I can feature them on the blog!

What will your shape of the day look like?

  • Can you include elements of each: Well being & Connection, Literacy, Numeracy, Flexible Learning?

Well being & Connection

  • I love starting my day with yoga, taking a stretching break at lunch, and going for a walk later in the day. These activities help me stay energized, focused, and happy. Do you have an activity routine? What are your favourite ways to be active?

Literacy Inspirations

Hana's word jar Hana's word jar Hana's word jar Hana's word jar

Word Jar

Hana is our featured wordsmith! She wants to share her “Jar of Words” idea with us!

“Kids can expand there vocabulary by collecting 1 or 2 every day. They can look through books, contents, paragraphs, sentences and lots more! The prophecy one was just an example.” – Hana

Will you create a word jar for your word collection?


Exploring Figurative Language

Today you can explore similies! There are a few simile worksheets on Teams. Similes use “like” or “as” to compare different things. Division 4 was as sweet as honey! What similes will you come up with? 

Flexible Learning

As we continue to do a lot of learning on our computers or tablets it can be helpful to continue developing our typing skills. Today, you could do a lesson or two on All the Right Type. Here’s a refresher of how to log in.  

To login: Go to the website for All the Right Type ( then, select “School User Sign-In” at the top of the page and enter your sign in credentials: 

  • School Code: canbcsd412081 
  • Username: 
  • Password: 
  • Please message your teacher in your private channel if you forgot your username or password!