Many students from Div. 4, 5, and 6 have been exploring leadership at our school. How can you develop your ideas and turn them into action projects? Some amazing projects are being developed. Ask your children which project they are working on! We will be sharing them with you on the blog soon!


Currently we have groups working on organizing:

  • School Yard Clean Up
  • Litter-Less Lunch: Year 3 
  • Recycle More! Electronics, Styrofoam, & Metal Collections
  • Halloween Candy Wrapper Drive
  • Refundable Drink Container Audits & Collections
  • Climate Card Game
  • Saving the Earth Scratch Game
  • School Wide Earth Hour
  • Fair Trade Fundraiser
  • Classroom Presentations to Share What’s New

Here are a few links to support your groups and perhaps inspire you to keep expanding your ideas!

Halloween Candy Wrapper Drive:

Reducing our Food Waste:

Fair Trade Advocates:

Marker Recycling