Div. 11 had a wonderful first week together! Here are a few small snap shots to celebrate over the weekend!

We are getting to know one another – building, reading, exploring, and sharing!

We read Our Class is a Family by Shannon Olsen and thought about all the ways we will be a family together this year.  We also talked about what our class family wants to feel like and be like! We are going to keep adding – What other words and ideas could we add?

We were excited about Dot Day, inspired by The Dot by Peter Reynold! Take a look at some of our amazing creations!

After reading A Kid is A Kid is a Kid by Sara O’Leary, we wrote letters to our new teacher to share some special things about us!

We started creating surveys to learn about each other and tallying all that information to create graphs in math! What a fun week!

Where will our learning take us next week?